wine makes me giddy - whiskey makes me good
hitting the sauce lately, flooding my brain with dopamine. I have to pay attention. I come from a long line of Irish drunks
I use is it as a peripheral drug to manage my mood disorder
twenty twenty twenty four hours ago
I wanna be sedated
Nothing to do nowhere to go home
I wanna be sedated
The Ramones
drunk is not a good place to be - having been on a psych ward and placed on sedation that knocked me on my ass - I prefer the knife edge of reality
and must find better ways to manage my wild energy than to drink it down
hitting the sauce lately, flooding my brain with dopamine. I have to pay attention. I come from a long line of Irish drunks
I use is it as a peripheral drug to manage my mood disorder
twenty twenty twenty four hours ago
I wanna be sedated
Nothing to do nowhere to go home
I wanna be sedated
The Ramones
drunk is not a good place to be - having been on a psych ward and placed on sedation that knocked me on my ass - I prefer the knife edge of reality
and must find better ways to manage my wild energy than to drink it down