Holy shit, sleep! That was incredible. I feel like an entirely new person. Wow.
Off to the studio in a lovely mood; with a head full of ideas and a notebook full of more. Going to be a big big big day!
Also, I got quite lucky this morning. I have a friend who works at the Dean guitar factory in Tampa, and he made me two custom guitars last year. One I love, the other just isn't for me. Fortunately, a friend of mine loves the one that I do not, and traded me one of these glorious bastards for it:
I am in heaven! My favorite guitar, and favorite color scheme. Most people think that color scheme is pretty ugly, and they are right. But, that is why I love it. Generally, material things don't make me happy, but today is a rare exception.
Off to the studio in a lovely mood; with a head full of ideas and a notebook full of more. Going to be a big big big day!
Also, I got quite lucky this morning. I have a friend who works at the Dean guitar factory in Tampa, and he made me two custom guitars last year. One I love, the other just isn't for me. Fortunately, a friend of mine loves the one that I do not, and traded me one of these glorious bastards for it:

I am in heaven! My favorite guitar, and favorite color scheme. Most people think that color scheme is pretty ugly, and they are right. But, that is why I love it. Generally, material things don't make me happy, but today is a rare exception.
Is the one you like? If so very nice indeed. 

That is the one I got in the trade. It is my favorite guitar of all time! I couldn't be happier, and I feel very luck that someone was willing to trade with me. The one my friend made that I like rarely sees the light of day. It stays under lock and key in the studio.