Last night was absolutely unreal. Decided to go out to see a friend of mine at his comic book shop, as he had been a little down in the dumps. He has been hung up on a girl that he has been madly in love with for years, and his lack of confidence in himself has really been weighing on him. I figured I would channel my inner-geek, and go catch the Wrath of the Titans premiere with him at midnight. I got to his shop at about 10, and we opted to go to a pool hall next door to kill some time. What happened next was absolutely amazing.
My friend started drinking. A lot. Something he had never done much of in a bar . Ever. Not that going out drinking is something to be proud of, but I think we all need a good night out once in a while. Anyway, I finally convinced him to call this girl. I coached him the best I could. I made sure he knew how great of a guy he is, and tried to instill as much confidence in him as I could. All the pieces were there, he just needed to put them together. The girl was absolutely blown away, and incredibly happy. She came and met us at the bar, and the movie took a backseat. I watched him for the next few hours. It was incredible. He was so strong. So happy. He transformed. It was so rewarding to see two people come together for something great, especially when they both deserve it. I was so thankful to be able to witness it.
After a while, we decided to all leave the pool hall and head over to a proper bar. One that is rather well-known in the area for its live music. We were rather intoxicated, and that, combined with the fortunate instance that the band headlining the evening couldn't play due to a disagreement amongst its members, led to quite the impromptu show. I generally always keep a 1964 Epiphone Texan in my trunk. The same guitar Paul McCartney used when The Beatles recorded Blackbird and Yesterday. I went and grabbed it from my car, and smooth-talked the club manager into letting me play a quick acoustic set so that the 200 or so folks at the club would be upset at the fact that the music was cut short. My quick set turned into two hours, and was one of the most fun nights I have ever had musically. I rarely play my acoustic on my own time, not to mention at an actual show. I played about an hour's worth of original material I thought would be suitable for acoustic versions, and then played another hour or so just going through cover songs. A few Beatles, some Pearl Jam, Led Zeppelin. So much fun. After I played, I was fortunate enough to have several drinks purchased for me at the bar, as well as finding myself in lots of interesting conversations with strangers. The set was pretty intimate. I really felt like the crowd and I had a solid connection. The music brought us together. It was beautiful. It made the conversations with these strangers seem so natural. As the club closed, I walked out toward my car, and a random girl and her friend asked us to go with the to IHOP. Of course, we obliged, and were fortunate enough to make two new friends that are truly amazing people. We laughed about the randomness of it all, told jokes and stories, and just got to know each other. Not something that happens often enough. Somehow, we made it back to my friend's shop, where he fell asleep on the couch with his newfound love, and I stayed up watching Batman movies. That led me to this moment. No sleep, but so worth it. Last night really restored my faith in some of humanity. Thank you everyone who came out and became part of something so great. Love you all.
Lastly, I think I know what I want to do in terms of the project I mentioned the other day that involves all of your input and opinions. I will probably post the details tonight, or first thing in the morning. Be on the lookout. It will be worth it. That means you.
Last night was absolutely unreal. Decided to go out to see a friend of mine at his comic book shop, as he had been a little down in the dumps. He has been hung up on a girl that he has been madly in love with for years, and his lack of confidence in himself has really been weighing on him. I figured I would channel my inner-geek, and go catch the Wrath of the Titans premiere with him at midnight. I got to his shop at about 10, and we opted to go to a pool hall next door to kill some time. What happened next was absolutely amazing.
My friend started drinking. A lot. Something he had never done much of in a bar . Ever. Not that going out drinking is something to be proud of, but I think we all need a good night out once in a while. Anyway, I finally convinced him to call this girl. I coached him the best I could. I made sure he knew how great of a guy he is, and tried to instill as much confidence in him as I could. All the pieces were there, he just needed to put them together. The girl was absolutely blown away, and incredibly happy. She came and met us at the bar, and the movie took a backseat. I watched him for the next few hours. It was incredible. He was so strong. So happy. He transformed. It was so rewarding to see two people come together for something great, especially when they both deserve it. I was so thankful to be able to witness it.
After a while, we decided to all leave the pool hall and head over to a proper bar. One that is rather well-known in the area for its live music. We were rather intoxicated, and that, combined with the fortunate instance that the band headlining the evening couldn't play due to a disagreement amongst its members, led to quite the impromptu show. I generally always keep a 1964 Epiphone Texan in my trunk. The same guitar Paul McCartney used when The Beatles recorded Blackbird and Yesterday. I went and grabbed it from my car, and smooth-talked the club manager into letting me play a quick acoustic set so that the 200 or so folks at the club would be upset at the fact that the music was cut short. My quick set turned into two hours, and was one of the most fun nights I have ever had musically. I rarely play my acoustic on my own time, not to mention at an actual show. I played about an hour's worth of original material I thought would be suitable for acoustic versions, and then played another hour or so just going through cover songs. A few Beatles, some Pearl Jam, Led Zeppelin. So much fun. After I played, I was fortunate enough to have several drinks purchased for me at the bar, as well as finding myself in lots of interesting conversations with strangers. The set was pretty intimate. I really felt like the crowd and I had a solid connection. The music brought us together. It was beautiful. It made the conversations with these strangers seem so natural. As the club closed, I walked out toward my car, and a random girl and her friend asked us to go with the to IHOP. Of course, we obliged, and were fortunate enough to make two new friends that are truly amazing people. We laughed about the randomness of it all, told jokes and stories, and just got to know each other. Not something that happens often enough. Somehow, we made it back to my friend's shop, where he fell asleep on the couch with his newfound love, and I stayed up watching Batman movies. That led me to this moment. No sleep, but so worth it. Last night really restored my faith in some of humanity. Thank you everyone who came out and became part of something so great. Love you all.
Lastly, I think I know what I want to do in terms of the project I mentioned the other day that involves all of your input and opinions. I will probably post the details tonight, or first thing in the morning. Be on the lookout. It will be worth it. That means you.
So what's up?