Greetings, friends...
Yesterday my son graduated from the eighth grade and we all enjoyed the ceremony dedicated to sending him off to high school (sound problems notwithstanding)...
Oh, my daughter ikilledlaurap was there, too... she took the picture, so that's why she's not in it. She DID acquire ANOTHER surprise that I captured for posterity...
And yes, those are my parents in the lower right-hand corner. My mother was less than stoked with the tongue stud...
I just spent my last evening with my daughter before I see her off to the airport again tomorrow morning. We had precious little one-on-one time this past week, all things considered, but tonight we went out and saw THE PURGE by ourselves. Not a bad little thriller, but I'm too busy with the rest of this blog to give you the full review now. Next time.
But might I have big news pending...???
Do I see daylight? Is this nightmare actually coming to an END? Keep those prayers, spells and kind thoughts coming, my friends... after I get through this weekend of suspense, I may actually... have... a... JOB again!!! It looks good--it really looks good, but I'm not going to jinx it with the details right now. Just keep me in mind.
THAT rates a picture of my OTHER daughter, Cadavre... as if I need an excuse. But continuing to BELIEVE in me? That's something I treasure...
And here's a picture of Hexxus. Because I really like her.
And because it's her BIRTHDAY on Monday!!
Meantime, we've got PLENTY of new sets to cover... with a special emphasis on multis, as you'll see! But first up, tradition (my tradition, anyway) demands that we start with the Classic SG, and this time it's Lyxzen!
Former Hopeful Friendlies in new solo sets include Ilanna...
Euphemia (who JUST turned Pink along with many other deserving ladies, all of whom you've seen on this blog before)...
...and (not to be confused with the above) Euforia!
And now... here's that MULTI streak, consisting entirely of Former Hopeful Friendlies of yours truly! We start with Fernanda and Krito...
...and continue with Aleon and Bradley...
Voodou amd Kacy...
...and Dimples and Damsel!
We have Hopeful Friendly Encores from the mesmerizing Minu (who considers THIS her FIRST "new and improved" set)...
...the cosmic Kokopele...
...the arresting Arcanine_...
...and the purr-fect Perr!
It's debut time for the lissome Linnova...
...the marvelous Marsattacks...
...the awesome ahrah...
...the lovely lenika...
...and the bombshell Bayta!
Last but by no means least? It's always a treat when I can pay a long-time fan of my blog back in kind... and this time around I'd like to re-introduce you to the thrilling thanatOZ in her best set yet!
So until next time, share the love, be kind to animals, patronize the Paper Wing (MACBETH looms...) and the Stardust Playhouse, visit the MANOR (last chance to catch our 2012 Halloween special!) and please... please... WISH ME LUCK!
Your friend,
Remo D.
Yesterday my son graduated from the eighth grade and we all enjoyed the ceremony dedicated to sending him off to high school (sound problems notwithstanding)...

Oh, my daughter ikilledlaurap was there, too... she took the picture, so that's why she's not in it. She DID acquire ANOTHER surprise that I captured for posterity...

And yes, those are my parents in the lower right-hand corner. My mother was less than stoked with the tongue stud...

I just spent my last evening with my daughter before I see her off to the airport again tomorrow morning. We had precious little one-on-one time this past week, all things considered, but tonight we went out and saw THE PURGE by ourselves. Not a bad little thriller, but I'm too busy with the rest of this blog to give you the full review now. Next time.
But might I have big news pending...???
Do I see daylight? Is this nightmare actually coming to an END? Keep those prayers, spells and kind thoughts coming, my friends... after I get through this weekend of suspense, I may actually... have... a... JOB again!!! It looks good--it really looks good, but I'm not going to jinx it with the details right now. Just keep me in mind.
THAT rates a picture of my OTHER daughter, Cadavre... as if I need an excuse. But continuing to BELIEVE in me? That's something I treasure...

And here's a picture of Hexxus. Because I really like her.

Meantime, we've got PLENTY of new sets to cover... with a special emphasis on multis, as you'll see! But first up, tradition (my tradition, anyway) demands that we start with the Classic SG, and this time it's Lyxzen!

Former Hopeful Friendlies in new solo sets include Ilanna...

Euphemia (who JUST turned Pink along with many other deserving ladies, all of whom you've seen on this blog before)...

...and (not to be confused with the above) Euforia!

And now... here's that MULTI streak, consisting entirely of Former Hopeful Friendlies of yours truly! We start with Fernanda and Krito...

...and continue with Aleon and Bradley...

Voodou amd Kacy...

...and Dimples and Damsel!

We have Hopeful Friendly Encores from the mesmerizing Minu (who considers THIS her FIRST "new and improved" set)...

...the cosmic Kokopele...

...the arresting Arcanine_...

...and the purr-fect Perr!

It's debut time for the lissome Linnova...

...the marvelous Marsattacks...

...the awesome ahrah...

...the lovely lenika...

...and the bombshell Bayta!

Last but by no means least? It's always a treat when I can pay a long-time fan of my blog back in kind... and this time around I'd like to re-introduce you to the thrilling thanatOZ in her best set yet!

So until next time, share the love, be kind to animals, patronize the Paper Wing (MACBETH looms...) and the Stardust Playhouse, visit the MANOR (last chance to catch our 2012 Halloween special!) and please... please... WISH ME LUCK!
Your friend,
Remo D.
Gorgeous ladies!!