My father is in poor health, and my parents' dog is just too big, happy and rambunctious to stay with him safely. So off to Massachusetts she goes to live with my brother and his family. So SHE'LL be happy, and at least the "good place" she's going to isn't "doggie heaven" for once.
But none of US are happy about it. We all had to say goodbye to Karma, and my son's taking it especially hard.
So long, Big Silly...
Oh, and the MANOR episode we had planned for this weekend is having technical difficulties, so we may have to put something else on in its place.
I'm not having a very good day.
But because this IS the RemoD66 blog? I've still got a couple of very fine encores for you...
After a long absence, please welcome Alkaline back to the spotlight!
And here's Saiylor, all wrapped up with a fresh new ribbon!
Send happy thoughts,
Remo D.
My father is in poor health, and my parents' dog is just too big, happy and rambunctious to stay with him safely. So off to Massachusetts she goes to live with my brother and his family. So SHE'LL be happy, and at least the "good place" she's going to isn't "doggie heaven" for once.
But none of US are happy about it. We all had to say goodbye to Karma, and my son's taking it especially hard.

So long, Big Silly...
Oh, and the MANOR episode we had planned for this weekend is having technical difficulties, so we may have to put something else on in its place.
I'm not having a very good day.
But because this IS the RemoD66 blog? I've still got a couple of very fine encores for you...
After a long absence, please welcome Alkaline back to the spotlight!

And here's Saiylor, all wrapped up with a fresh new ribbon!

Send happy thoughts,
Remo D.
Thank you so much, so far, he and I are do wonderfully.
I really appreciate it.
BTW. you better be pumped for me and Alissa teamup! Cause the third time's a charm and I'm going fucking pink!!!
clues: glasses. knee high socks.
I have found a great many friend in SG and you are among the most important.
All I can say is thank you so so so much.