A quick blog to celebrate some recent activity...
You know it's closing weekend for ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND, so if you're going to be in the Monterey Peninsula area (Friday or Saturday) and if you're one of the very first to send me a PM about it, I will even BUY your TICKET!
...uber-congratulations to Ellia for going straight from my blog to Pink! Let's hear it!!!

There's a delightful new set from Aisline for your enjoyment...

...as well as the latest from my good friend Praesepe, whom I've been honored to know from her Hopeful days... this may be her best yet!

...and while it's not up in MR, the sequel to the beautiful combo shoot from Peke and Crystalcore is now submitted for your approval!

As always, more to come... but act NOW!
All best,
Remo D.
You know it's closing weekend for ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND, so if you're going to be in the Monterey Peninsula area (Friday or Saturday) and if you're one of the very first to send me a PM about it, I will even BUY your TICKET!
...uber-congratulations to Ellia for going straight from my blog to Pink! Let's hear it!!!

There's a delightful new set from Aisline for your enjoyment...

...as well as the latest from my good friend Praesepe, whom I've been honored to know from her Hopeful days... this may be her best yet!

...and while it's not up in MR, the sequel to the beautiful combo shoot from Peke and Crystalcore is now submitted for your approval!

As always, more to come... but act NOW!
All best,
Remo D.
Dangit! Wish I was closer so I could hit up your show!
Thanx for including us on your posts 

I like other people could se our pics in that fantastic site.