- on Love A Hopeful Week Nominations! 💜 in everything sg
- on Love A Hopeful Week Nominations! 💜 in everything sg
- on Love A Hopeful Week Nominations! 💜 in everything sg
- on raziel666's blog post
- on zebrah's blog post
- on stevienyx's post on remod66's page
Why am I a liar? I told my wife we were going to have hot dogs and tater tots for Sunday dinner (after we saw the new CANDYMAN, which is top-drawer terrifying horror in my book). Instead, I bought the best pork chops in the store and went all-out with a beautiful, juicy dinner. All it cost me was some ass in the space next
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No flash photography allowed, no recording of the show (for obvious reasons), but I got us kick-ass seats to see Steve Martin and Martin Short live in Paso Robles (a two-hour drive, long walk from parking, sheer ordeal to get my mobility-challenged wife into and out of our seating area, but worth it)... it was a truly hilarious show and I recommend it to anybody
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...except nobody was high. It went like this... it was "Car Week" all last week on the Peninsula, with all sorts of owners showing off and auctioning all sorts of high-ticket automobiles. It didn't happen last year because of you-know-what, so anticipation was HUGE, as was the traffic. And my radio friends described the big steak dinner at one of their restaurants... a huge demand
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...because the site is glitching out again. Every time I try to set my blog to "Members Only" the page disappears. I can blog in "Public" mode only. And I won't blog in "Public" mode because that would be unfair to the models whose pictures I share. So forget it. When/if the glitch is fixed I may be back, but I've got plenty of other...
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