I have no idea what I just did. Well, some idea, but not its actual effect. (Comments? I meant to post to my journal. Don't drink early in the morning!)
SO anyhow, going to Iowa City on Thursday. Nephew is graduating from the UI. It's mostly an excuse to hang out with my oldest sister's kids. Kids? No. They're close enough to me in age, they're like siblings I didn't have to deal with 24/7. Being youngest of six can do that.
Fly into DSM, rent a car, say hi to mom, drive to IC the next morning. Frisbee golf that afternoon, drink with said "siblings" around IC. Hang out with an ex (maybe), lunch with sister and family, the drinking BBQ with nephew and co. Sunday morning brunch with mom back in DSM, then back to Seattle.
And maybe I'll bring back pictures.
SO anyhow, going to Iowa City on Thursday. Nephew is graduating from the UI. It's mostly an excuse to hang out with my oldest sister's kids. Kids? No. They're close enough to me in age, they're like siblings I didn't have to deal with 24/7. Being youngest of six can do that.
Fly into DSM, rent a car, say hi to mom, drive to IC the next morning. Frisbee golf that afternoon, drink with said "siblings" around IC. Hang out with an ex (maybe), lunch with sister and family, the drinking BBQ with nephew and co. Sunday morning brunch with mom back in DSM, then back to Seattle.
And maybe I'll bring back pictures.
Have fun, even if it is Iowa. And: Pictures! Pictures!
Thanks for stopping by my journal. I'm addin' ya to my friends list. (How easy am I?)

look! you're picking up friends already!