I spy with my little eye a discontented disconnected well mannered conscientious dissenter with like minded parishioners all obliged, by one cause or another, to amass around my little pulpit, by default, by clicking merely "yes" or "no"...and my, my I do reply/respond/retort this ill-mannered form of communiqu is quite an exercise in futility
?Si o No?
Did you know? Do you dig? We are indeed in control. Dont question it too much. We might fall out of power otherwise. Lets us not be too reasonable. Reason is like intention. Intentions are like glitter, you need a light to shine.
?Si o No?
Did you know? Do you dig? We are indeed in control. Dont question it too much. We might fall out of power otherwise. Lets us not be too reasonable. Reason is like intention. Intentions are like glitter, you need a light to shine.