- on remixximer's page
Starting back at where I started
HEllo you don't know me.
HEll i'm digital and the space between you and eye may not even exist, but that's enough about spacial philosophies...I am socially conscious and completely lethargic. Its like gum and nuts, there are reasons why you don't put the two together. And starting now I'm going to change that.
It starts here>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>and perhaps ends...
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HEllo you don't know me.
HEll i'm digital and the space between you and eye may not even exist, but that's enough about spacial philosophies...I am socially conscious and completely lethargic. Its like gum and nuts, there are reasons why you don't put the two together. And starting now I'm going to change that.
It starts here>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>and perhaps ends...
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A preface to the preface:
1) A story roughly seven pages long in times new roman font type size 10
2) Written in what I can only estimate to be one sitting (circa 1997)
3)Abandoned in my desk my sophmore year w/out a name.
4)The first original piece by a student that I've ever liked. I must have read it seven times before the...
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1) A story roughly seven pages long in times new roman font type size 10
2) Written in what I can only estimate to be one sitting (circa 1997)
3)Abandoned in my desk my sophmore year w/out a name.
4)The first original piece by a student that I've ever liked. I must have read it seven times before the...
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The following entry and those after it till the exact words "THE END" will be from a story I FOUND in a desk. I read it and remembered the simple joy of writing, my fondness for these explorations into the human imagination. It's a trip, really. What we like to think of...
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The following entry and those after it till the exact words "THE END" will be from a story I FOUND in a desk. I read it and remembered the simple joy of writing, my fondness for these explorations into the human imagination. It's a trip, really. What we like to think of...
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Oh goodness. I got quite a chuckle from that.
I always LOVE the copy on menus at fancy restaurants. I find them amusing and impressive all at the same time.
The lobster phone sounds fun, actually.
I always LOVE the copy on menus at fancy restaurants. I find them amusing and impressive all at the same time.
The lobster phone sounds fun, actually.
Let's us now begin the 20 days till great American novel countdown!!!
20 days 200 pages of frivolous(sp) non-sense...
I made a pact with myself...this year write a book, along with a bunch of other bullshit I pretend to want to do...because all in all intentions are indeed like ASSHOLES...we all have them...or rather intentions (like i profess) are like glitter...you need a light to...
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20 days 200 pages of frivolous(sp) non-sense...
I made a pact with myself...this year write a book, along with a bunch of other bullshit I pretend to want to do...because all in all intentions are indeed like ASSHOLES...we all have them...or rather intentions (like i profess) are like glitter...you need a light to...
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I bought both CDs by Tsu Shi Ma Mi Re....they were so cute and the music is growing on me. I also bought a keychain and pin by them. Luckily I did not get towed...but a while back I got booted @ Cherry Creek...and um, I don't like it so much.
Fo da shortees
the Asian "Maxso"
the Asian "Maxso"
In this i say (t)here is no point in writing except its exercise thereof...otherwise be wary of anyone who posts at three a.m. 3:14 to be exact
"I've seen the demons...
but they didn't make a sound
they tried to reach me...
but I lay upon the ground
i've seen the people
but they didn't make a sound
they tried to reach me, but i...
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"I've seen the demons...
but they didn't make a sound
they tried to reach me...
but I lay upon the ground
i've seen the people
but they didn't make a sound
they tried to reach me, but i...
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I spy with my little eye a discontented disconnected well mannered conscientious dissenter with like minded parishioners all obliged, by one cause or another, to amass around my little pulpit, by default, by clicking merely "yes" or "no"...and my, my I do reply/respond/retort this ill-mannered form of communiqu is quite an exercise in futility
?Si o No?
Did you know? Do you dig? We...
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?Si o No?
Did you know? Do you dig? We...
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Destruct? Distraut?
...I think not;
I think so
Destruct? Distraut?
...I think not;
I think so
Bleeding through my eyes....not so disimliar from when Tcheky Karyo got himself stabbed in the neck with a needle courtesy one Jet Li in Kiss of the Dragon. I might see somewhat clever to have pulled a Tcheky Karyo reference from my ass...
Ancient Chinese secret eh?
Voy a la tienda comprar mantequilla y queso para mi gato en mis pantelones...
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Ancient Chinese secret eh?
Voy a la tienda comprar mantequilla y queso para mi gato en mis pantelones...
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es muy succkoh. ahahha.
si, yo tambien!!!!!!!!!!!
If I only I knew the secret....You're still young. Your brains are nice and fresh and alert. I feel like my mastery of standardized tests has diminished greatly.
si, yo tambien!!!!!!!!!!!
If I only I knew the secret....You're still young. Your brains are nice and fresh and alert. I feel like my mastery of standardized tests has diminished greatly.
and now....i cannot sleep.
Read Fahrenheit 451...dissect Fahrenheit 9/11.
The important thing is this:
Derive your own importance!
Propaganda is propaganda unless its propaghandi...then its a punk band...it is to say that shit can often times fall out of both ends...
Michael Moore versus Michael Savage:
Here's a fun little game I like to play at Barnes and Nobles or Borders or any other encorporated...
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Read Fahrenheit 451...dissect Fahrenheit 9/11.
The important thing is this:
Derive your own importance!
Propaganda is propaganda unless its propaghandi...then its a punk band...it is to say that shit can often times fall out of both ends...
Michael Moore versus Michael Savage:
Here's a fun little game I like to play at Barnes and Nobles or Borders or any other encorporated...
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"Derive your own importance!"
if consumerism produced but one valuable contribution to world it would be tastycakes. the butterscotch or the jelly filled ones-- importance derived