Tonight's soundtrack is powered by Explosions in the Sky's album "How Strange, Innocence." Right now I'm in the middle of the track "Magic Hours".
Ah, the morning after. This can mean many different things, whether it's the morning after a great victory to a morning after that requires a walk of shame. However, if this walk involves waffles of any kind, it can be shameful. Waffles more than make up for any kind of shame based walking. For me though, it's the morning after a great music day.
Now, I understand that it's about 10 at night now, but since I was traveling today, please excuse the time difference and just go with me on this one. As some of you might know, yesterday was a great music day for me. The kind of day that just keeps delivering audio crack to my delighted ears. Today, as I left St. Louis for Chicago, iPod fully loaded with new and exciting music, I tried to recreate that feeling. Needless to say, I failed...miserably.
For three hours, I tried to get back to that wonderful place of having my brain overrun with the joys of unending music, but I just couldn't do it. After struggling with my horrific failure and self-medicating with pistachio gelato, I think I finally realized why I failed. The great thing about a music day like I had, like we've all had, is that it's out of our control. The music is a living, breathing entity that taking all thinking about of the procedure and simply delights with a deluge of happiness. It is in the freedom of having no control that we are able to find peace, tranquility, and possibility even rocking out with our *insert favorite phallic reference here* out. To the women folk out there, you might even be jamming out with your *insert tasteful woman parts reference here* out. Who knows? But that's what makes music days so great. It's like its being done just for us, and we didn't even have to lift a finger. Viva la music!!
Alright, well that rant is done. If you need to get up, stretch out your legs, make a sandwich or something, now would be the appropriate time to do so. I think I'll make some tea myself. Let's go ahead and do that and meet back here in like, I don't know, five minutes. That work for you? Great! And go!!
Yum, tea! I hope you enjoyed your break. Since we've last seen each other, the next song has come on. "Glittering Blackness", another choice selection.
So I'm finally back in Chicago after my week and a half vacation, and I have to say it feels great to be back in my own apartment. And, what's even better is I get to hang new art!! Get excited everyone!!
...You! Yeah, you! Get excited, damn it!! .....There you go.
So I just realized I joined up on this site about two weeks ago, and so far it's been a blast. I've actually started to post, and what's more, people are even reading them! GASP, I know. I was shocked. Well, maybe you're not since, well, you're reading this. I don't know. Anyway, I've also met some really cool people. Just last night, I was message with a new friend in Belgium. Belgium people! That's really freagin' cool. So to SG, may I just say that, unlike McDonald's, I'm loving it!
I just realized that I'm starting to rant again in a post I've already ranted once in, so I think I'm gonna call it quits for tonight. But before I do, let me pose a question to you readers: If not a music day, what activities or media can just make your day uber, and what kind?
"To expect too much is to have a sentimental view of life, and this is a softness that ends in bitterness."
- Flannery O'Connor
Good night everyone. Viva la puppies and pistachio gelato!
Ah, the morning after. This can mean many different things, whether it's the morning after a great victory to a morning after that requires a walk of shame. However, if this walk involves waffles of any kind, it can be shameful. Waffles more than make up for any kind of shame based walking. For me though, it's the morning after a great music day.
Now, I understand that it's about 10 at night now, but since I was traveling today, please excuse the time difference and just go with me on this one. As some of you might know, yesterday was a great music day for me. The kind of day that just keeps delivering audio crack to my delighted ears. Today, as I left St. Louis for Chicago, iPod fully loaded with new and exciting music, I tried to recreate that feeling. Needless to say, I failed...miserably.
For three hours, I tried to get back to that wonderful place of having my brain overrun with the joys of unending music, but I just couldn't do it. After struggling with my horrific failure and self-medicating with pistachio gelato, I think I finally realized why I failed. The great thing about a music day like I had, like we've all had, is that it's out of our control. The music is a living, breathing entity that taking all thinking about of the procedure and simply delights with a deluge of happiness. It is in the freedom of having no control that we are able to find peace, tranquility, and possibility even rocking out with our *insert favorite phallic reference here* out. To the women folk out there, you might even be jamming out with your *insert tasteful woman parts reference here* out. Who knows? But that's what makes music days so great. It's like its being done just for us, and we didn't even have to lift a finger. Viva la music!!
Alright, well that rant is done. If you need to get up, stretch out your legs, make a sandwich or something, now would be the appropriate time to do so. I think I'll make some tea myself. Let's go ahead and do that and meet back here in like, I don't know, five minutes. That work for you? Great! And go!!
Yum, tea! I hope you enjoyed your break. Since we've last seen each other, the next song has come on. "Glittering Blackness", another choice selection.
So I'm finally back in Chicago after my week and a half vacation, and I have to say it feels great to be back in my own apartment. And, what's even better is I get to hang new art!! Get excited everyone!!
...You! Yeah, you! Get excited, damn it!! .....There you go.
So I just realized I joined up on this site about two weeks ago, and so far it's been a blast. I've actually started to post, and what's more, people are even reading them! GASP, I know. I was shocked. Well, maybe you're not since, well, you're reading this. I don't know. Anyway, I've also met some really cool people. Just last night, I was message with a new friend in Belgium. Belgium people! That's really freagin' cool. So to SG, may I just say that, unlike McDonald's, I'm loving it!
I just realized that I'm starting to rant again in a post I've already ranted once in, so I think I'm gonna call it quits for tonight. But before I do, let me pose a question to you readers: If not a music day, what activities or media can just make your day uber, and what kind?
"To expect too much is to have a sentimental view of life, and this is a softness that ends in bitterness."
- Flannery O'Connor
Good night everyone. Viva la puppies and pistachio gelato!
Keep up the quotes- and yes some are reading!!