Tonight's post will be brought to you by a large amount of music, hence the music category. However, the first song on my hit parade will be "Something Good Can Work", by Two Door Cinema Club.
So first and foremost, today was a great today for music and me. Actually, it was just a good nerd day for me period. First I got to stop by a local comic book shop and pick up some interesting stuff, including the final volume of Scott Pilgrim, which I've been meaning to pick up for a bit. If you haven't read these novels, then I highly suggest you run, not walk, RUN to your nearest book or comic shop and pick up them up. You may do this now. Go ahead, I'll wait.
..........Got it? Perfect! I can now continue.
This is also good timing because the next song has come on, "I Can Talk", same band.
Anyway, afterward I was able to stop by Vintage Vinyl, a great little record shop here in St. Louis. I like because I always discover new music that usually kicks more than one form of ass. today was no exception as I was able to get my hands on the new Mogwai live set album, the new Ludo album "Prepare the Preparations", and Anberlin's album "Dark is the Way, Light is a Place". I also got a couple of LPs for my broken record player. I really need to get that fixed/replaced. Just saying, I need to do that. But I digress.
Already the day was great for music, but it kept getting better. You know how sometimes when you're driving, you have the radio playing, the weather is great, and for some reason or another, the current radio station is playing nothing but stuff that just gets you going? That's what was happening for me. The first song that came on was from the band Two Door Cinema Club, the same band I started off with tonight. Then it only got better with Taking Back Sunday, Radiohead, The Heavy, and Arcade Fire, which up until today I didn't think I liked. It was like a constant stream of music crack for my head!!
Speaking of, song change!! Let's switch it up to "All the Stars in Texas", by Ludo. Truly, one of the few songs that deals with the hardships of relationships........oh, and bank robberies.
So now, here I am, streaming music from all over the place, not wanting the high to die. Music highs are, in my opinion, the best kind of high you can get. Few things can alter your mood as quickly or dramatically as music can. Anyway, today was the best music day I've had in a while, so to whatever God, Spirit, or former member of 70s sitcoms is responsible for controlling the music air waves, thanks a lot!!
Now, on to two completely different side notes. First, I'm heading back to Chicago tomorrow, so huzzah for that. Though I'm not going to lie, I'm not completely ready to say good bye to St. Louis. Alas, the real world is calling for me, and I don't think they'll accept "Just five more minutes!".
Secondly, strawberry ice cream is awesome. I have nothing else to add to this. I just thought more people should be made aware of how great it is. That's it. Really! Now stop reading this paragraph and move on. Seriously, that's all I had to say. .......You're still reading this, aren't you? Well, this was about strawberry ice cream, so I can't say I blame you.
Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music.
-Sergei Rachmaninov
Good night everyone, and don't forget to hug a puppy today.
Tonight's post will be brought to you by a large amount of music, hence the music category. However, the first song on my hit parade will be "Something Good Can Work", by Two Door Cinema Club.
So first and foremost, today was a great today for music and me. Actually, it was just a good nerd day for me period. First I got to stop by a local comic book shop and pick up some interesting stuff, including the final volume of Scott Pilgrim, which I've been meaning to pick up for a bit. If you haven't read these novels, then I highly suggest you run, not walk, RUN to your nearest book or comic shop and pick up them up. You may do this now. Go ahead, I'll wait.
..........Got it? Perfect! I can now continue.
This is also good timing because the next song has come on, "I Can Talk", same band.
Anyway, afterward I was able to stop by Vintage Vinyl, a great little record shop here in St. Louis. I like because I always discover new music that usually kicks more than one form of ass. today was no exception as I was able to get my hands on the new Mogwai live set album, the new Ludo album "Prepare the Preparations", and Anberlin's album "Dark is the Way, Light is a Place". I also got a couple of LPs for my broken record player. I really need to get that fixed/replaced. Just saying, I need to do that. But I digress.
Already the day was great for music, but it kept getting better. You know how sometimes when you're driving, you have the radio playing, the weather is great, and for some reason or another, the current radio station is playing nothing but stuff that just gets you going? That's what was happening for me. The first song that came on was from the band Two Door Cinema Club, the same band I started off with tonight. Then it only got better with Taking Back Sunday, Radiohead, The Heavy, and Arcade Fire, which up until today I didn't think I liked. It was like a constant stream of music crack for my head!!
Speaking of, song change!! Let's switch it up to "All the Stars in Texas", by Ludo. Truly, one of the few songs that deals with the hardships of relationships........oh, and bank robberies.
So now, here I am, streaming music from all over the place, not wanting the high to die. Music highs are, in my opinion, the best kind of high you can get. Few things can alter your mood as quickly or dramatically as music can. Anyway, today was the best music day I've had in a while, so to whatever God, Spirit, or former member of 70s sitcoms is responsible for controlling the music air waves, thanks a lot!!
Now, on to two completely different side notes. First, I'm heading back to Chicago tomorrow, so huzzah for that. Though I'm not going to lie, I'm not completely ready to say good bye to St. Louis. Alas, the real world is calling for me, and I don't think they'll accept "Just five more minutes!".
Secondly, strawberry ice cream is awesome. I have nothing else to add to this. I just thought more people should be made aware of how great it is. That's it. Really! Now stop reading this paragraph and move on. Seriously, that's all I had to say. .......You're still reading this, aren't you? Well, this was about strawberry ice cream, so I can't say I blame you.
Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music.
-Sergei Rachmaninov
Good night everyone, and don't forget to hug a puppy today.
Music is so awesome, the way it can make you feel things, the way it can bring back memories of other times you heard a certain song etc. I find music so inspiring!
And yes strawberry ice cream is so delicious! I haden't had any in years but had some a couple of weeks ago and was amazed at how tasty it was