Another week almost done YEYA! What that means is that we are getting closer to the very first fundraiser for An Ordinary Angel.... you know... that awesome little non-profit my sister and I cofounded! <3
*** You're so totally invited!!! ***
Please join us in celebrating the formation of An Ordinary Angel, a newly founded Houston based non-profit organization aiming to band volunteers together to fulfill the needs of the less fortunate in Houston and the greater area.
After exceeding our goals as contributors in the YMCA nationwide backpack drive, Operation Backpack, we're fully confident that AOA's positive impact is just getting started!
Thanks to the generous donations from brilliant one-of-a-kind artists, we've gathered a collection of paintings, drawings, photographs, jewelery and more to be sold at AOA's An Ordinary Art Show. All proceeds from artwork sold will go to AOA to fund projects scheduled for later this year including the upcoming holiday seasons.
An Ordinary Art Show
Saturday Oct. 1, 2011
Royal Oak (upstairs in the whiskey bar)
1318 Westheimer Rd
Houston, TX 77006
$3 cover (donation)

*** You're so totally invited!!! ***
Please join us in celebrating the formation of An Ordinary Angel, a newly founded Houston based non-profit organization aiming to band volunteers together to fulfill the needs of the less fortunate in Houston and the greater area.
After exceeding our goals as contributors in the YMCA nationwide backpack drive, Operation Backpack, we're fully confident that AOA's positive impact is just getting started!
Thanks to the generous donations from brilliant one-of-a-kind artists, we've gathered a collection of paintings, drawings, photographs, jewelery and more to be sold at AOA's An Ordinary Art Show. All proceeds from artwork sold will go to AOA to fund projects scheduled for later this year including the upcoming holiday seasons.
An Ordinary Art Show
Saturday Oct. 1, 2011
Royal Oak (upstairs in the whiskey bar)
1318 Westheimer Rd
Houston, TX 77006
$3 cover (donation)

