Hello all, on this fine fine Birthday eve of mine
Oddly enough today started out horrible. I noticed while getting dressed that I got a text advising that my debit card was just used a food mart. Weird since I was just stepping out of the shower.... So thinking nothing it, I get dressed and hop in my car to head to work. At which point I noticed that my passenger window was scattered in pieces on the seat. Wicked bummer. My car got broken in to AGAIN! Some of you may remember this happening less then a year ago. Goodbye GPS. Goodbye Blackberry and yes even Goodbye purse and wallet (cause I'm just that stupid). Crying, I drive to work with rain sprinkling through the space which used to contain my window. Half way through the day I got a call from an "officer" who claims to have located my wallet in the pocket of a crackhead on the other side of town. He wanted to meet up to drop my stuff off to me. Optimistic but also paranoid, I searched the phone number which traced back to a cell. Seems weird that a cop might use his cell phone to call me, and where did he get my number from? Anyhow more digging and precautions and blah blah blah I show up home after work and there's a cop car waiting for me. The two most pleasant and entertaining cops ever delivered my purse with all it's contents (except some cash) and advised me that they gonna raid the house where the crackheads said they they traded my GPS and Blackberry for crack. SWEET! So wish me luck! Hopefully all will end well.

Damn that sucks. the same shit happened to me a few years back, but they never got the person. at least you got most of yr stuff back.
So how'd it turn out? Did you get your stuff back?