So since I'm up late and cant F-ing sleep, I'd like to share a story! Last Friday I got into a very very naughty text conversation with a girl who happens to not be my girlfriend. I know I know I'm a horrible person, shoot me! I had a pretty decent Friday. Saturday I woke up, called my girl and told her to have at least a partime job by Monday cause i can't pay for everything anymore. I'm asking a lot here right. Anyhow, that turned into a fight and we broke up. In order to celebrate my new single status my best friend came up from Denver to take me out....
. <------ This is Nichelle!
We proceed to get completely wasted with the intention of calling a cab home but when the time came who did I call? My ex, cause I'm a retard! She comes to drive our drunk asses home, at which time we get rear ended by some asshole who can't tell a red light from a green light. Car's fucked, I'm wasted, cops on the way... RIGHT ON!
After two hrs of dealing with the Springs PD and having a friend come get us, we're on the road again. Where we stumble across a giant road block due to a fatal car accident ahead. Great More Cops WTF! 45 min delay later, we are detoured and heading home. Upon arrival we find a car in the parking lot of my apartment complex ON FIRE! Like bonfire fire; like flames rolling from the window fire! Holy fucking hell right! I heard a tire blow and ran into my apartment.... without my cell phone.... which I forgot in my firends car. My ex was kind enough to grab it for me but she also went through all my messages and stumbled upon my rather distasteful conversation from Friday with a girl who is not her... yea... Karma's a bitch.

We proceed to get completely wasted with the intention of calling a cab home but when the time came who did I call? My ex, cause I'm a retard! She comes to drive our drunk asses home, at which time we get rear ended by some asshole who can't tell a red light from a green light. Car's fucked, I'm wasted, cops on the way... RIGHT ON!
After two hrs of dealing with the Springs PD and having a friend come get us, we're on the road again. Where we stumble across a giant road block due to a fatal car accident ahead. Great More Cops WTF! 45 min delay later, we are detoured and heading home. Upon arrival we find a car in the parking lot of my apartment complex ON FIRE! Like bonfire fire; like flames rolling from the window fire! Holy fucking hell right! I heard a tire blow and ran into my apartment.... without my cell phone.... which I forgot in my firends car. My ex was kind enough to grab it for me but she also went through all my messages and stumbled upon my rather distasteful conversation from Friday with a girl who is not her... yea... Karma's a bitch.