It's been over a month since my last update and I have to say thank you to all of those that yelled at silvereve asking if she'd given me the ol' Sweeny Todd. I guess I owe a few a recap or two.
I've learned a few valuable lessons. . . make 100% certain that you have a stress free month ahead of you before you attempt to quit smoking. I lasted three whole days, well . . . maybe two point nine days. There has to be a certain order of things before you dive head first into cutting out an addicition that has governed over half of your life.
The company I was working for (subcontracted through) lost their contract to Sirius on June 17th. (the infamous third day), needless to say I was sent for a loop. I was placed on a thirty day paid vacation while the contract was being sorted out. A lot of games where played between my old company and my contractor. One day all was well and I was working, the next I was ordered to cease all field operations. This start and stop schedule was driving me a little nuts. . . scratch that it was making me fucking homicidal. A few days ago I had officially had enough, I stopped doing everything and anything for the old company and started playing the recruit me game on monster and hotjobs. I had a few leads and was starting to get a little energized when the new contract company called to begin the interview process. . . Maybe they where going to keep me on. The due date for termination was set at July 23rd and it wasn't until the 18th that I was insured of my continued employment. I have to admit that I cried a little the moment they offered me the job. I can get a job at the drop of a hat (working at a video or game store) but this was a career that I was working on, relationships with groups and dealers that where just about to end. . . The pain and wait are over for now and I'm feeling a little better. Maybe the future is going to be a bit brighter and at least I'll be back onine for a few....... happy days all.....
P.S. The Mr. Clean Magic eraser works on hair dye that manages to find the sink and the wall . . . and it works on the skin where the dye has stained . . . but it will take off a few layers in the process...... grrrrr.......
I've learned a few valuable lessons. . . make 100% certain that you have a stress free month ahead of you before you attempt to quit smoking. I lasted three whole days, well . . . maybe two point nine days. There has to be a certain order of things before you dive head first into cutting out an addicition that has governed over half of your life.
The company I was working for (subcontracted through) lost their contract to Sirius on June 17th. (the infamous third day), needless to say I was sent for a loop. I was placed on a thirty day paid vacation while the contract was being sorted out. A lot of games where played between my old company and my contractor. One day all was well and I was working, the next I was ordered to cease all field operations. This start and stop schedule was driving me a little nuts. . . scratch that it was making me fucking homicidal. A few days ago I had officially had enough, I stopped doing everything and anything for the old company and started playing the recruit me game on monster and hotjobs. I had a few leads and was starting to get a little energized when the new contract company called to begin the interview process. . . Maybe they where going to keep me on. The due date for termination was set at July 23rd and it wasn't until the 18th that I was insured of my continued employment. I have to admit that I cried a little the moment they offered me the job. I can get a job at the drop of a hat (working at a video or game store) but this was a career that I was working on, relationships with groups and dealers that where just about to end. . . The pain and wait are over for now and I'm feeling a little better. Maybe the future is going to be a bit brighter and at least I'll be back onine for a few....... happy days all.....
P.S. The Mr. Clean Magic eraser works on hair dye that manages to find the sink and the wall . . . and it works on the skin where the dye has stained . . . but it will take off a few layers in the process...... grrrrr.......

Job-hunting is the one thing, I think, between me and a new job.... well, plus having no plans at all... but yeah, I hate the job-hunt process.

I'd loved your electric shock marks....