This is one of those weeks where you wonder who the frack is controlling the roller coaster? Hate the job Monday morning, gonna pull a major office space moment, get word of a last minute corporate conference call, get a 20% raise, don't hate my job so much . . . then . . (Insert drum roll). . . Tuesday rolls around and although highly motivated to prove the happiness caused by the 20% hike the day falls flat on it's face. . . 8 Cell phone calls (all emergencies), 3 meetings, 6 utlra important emails, 1 employee quitting, and a partridge in a frakking pear tree. . . So what does our brave and sometimes e - relevant switch do? ? ? ? Screws his head on tight and preps for Wednesday.
:::And now for something completely different::::::
When did we reach the point as a society where we needed the government to tell us what common sense should dictate? There are times where I have to shake my head and feel a sad little feeling in the pit of my stomach. . . We have some pretty basic rights. . . and as I recall we kind of left the rule of a country once for playing around with us in a not so nice way. . . placing far to much control and rules and taxes without equal treatment and equal compensations. . . the declaration of independence is not about truth justice and the american way . . . nor in god we trust. . . Isn't it something like Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness???? Let's break that one down.....
Life: We have the unalienable right to not be killed. . . .sounds pretty easy to me. . . okay so from this I hear that I
shouldn't have to worry about someone just shooting me in the head. . . I feel a lot better now.
Liberty: Okay this one is kind of open to muckery. . . liberty n. , pl. -ties . The condition of being free from
restriction or control. The right and power to act, believe, or express oneself . . . WAIT A MINUTE> > >
that seems pretty cut and dry to me. . . hrmmm..... Free from restrictions or control, so gay men and
woman are restricted from the institute of marriage???? hrmm . . . why doesn't this fit?
Pursuit of Happiness: I can't really beat a dead horse here. . . if two consenting adults are not controlling or
restricting each-other. . . not killing each-other, and not for that matter breaking any real
law why are they restricted from the general pursuit of happiness. . .
This made a lot more sense on School House Rock.
happy day.
:::And now for something completely different::::::
When did we reach the point as a society where we needed the government to tell us what common sense should dictate? There are times where I have to shake my head and feel a sad little feeling in the pit of my stomach. . . We have some pretty basic rights. . . and as I recall we kind of left the rule of a country once for playing around with us in a not so nice way. . . placing far to much control and rules and taxes without equal treatment and equal compensations. . . the declaration of independence is not about truth justice and the american way . . . nor in god we trust. . . Isn't it something like Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness???? Let's break that one down.....
Life: We have the unalienable right to not be killed. . . .sounds pretty easy to me. . . okay so from this I hear that I
shouldn't have to worry about someone just shooting me in the head. . . I feel a lot better now.
Liberty: Okay this one is kind of open to muckery. . . liberty n. , pl. -ties . The condition of being free from
restriction or control. The right and power to act, believe, or express oneself . . . WAIT A MINUTE> > >
that seems pretty cut and dry to me. . . hrmmm..... Free from restrictions or control, so gay men and
woman are restricted from the institute of marriage???? hrmm . . . why doesn't this fit?
Pursuit of Happiness: I can't really beat a dead horse here. . . if two consenting adults are not controlling or
restricting each-other. . . not killing each-other, and not for that matter breaking any real
law why are they restricted from the general pursuit of happiness. . .
This made a lot more sense on School House Rock.
happy day.
Hey, nice picture.
Is the world really flat, and I don't know it, b/c it seems like you fell off the face of the earth.