Seven days or even less to change everything. . . Travel - Homecoming - Concern - Hope - Revelation. . . where to go from here is a question I can't bother to ask myself. I wrote a poem when my oldest son was born and one line keeps coming to my head "From the smallest eyes I've managed to understand, I will never be this real again". No matter how much you love someone you have to reach out and touch them again, a hug, a smile, a word. . . Devin just made me feel that real again.
I haven't tried to write in a long time, maybe I was missing reality, or maybe I was simply running from it and myself. . .
I think I see me right around the corner. . .
I haven't tried to write in a long time, maybe I was missing reality, or maybe I was simply running from it and myself. . .
I think I see me right around the corner. . .
I think a directors cut would be a great idea!

Hey man, hope things are going well! Give me a call sometime soon! It's been too long.