I think I have to get into a rhythm of some sort, maybe write about certain things during certain days of the week. . . So I think I'll make Friday the 10 things I think but never say outloud.
10. You can't watch ten minutes of T.V. lately without seeing a commercial for Jarhead. Is the box office in so much of a slump that we have to see the same commercial every commercial break until we all go to see the movie?
9. The fourth major news story of a Teacher sleeping with one of her students hit The Smoking Gun today. I'm sure that there are plenty of guys and girls with the mentality of ninth graders out there, pick up one of those instead.
8. I was leaving my job because gas prices where killing me, now that gas prices are falling I'm not working that job anymore. . . Grrrr.... Murphy's law is in my pocket but it doesn't work for me.
7. silvereve made an excellent point to me the other day, eating healthy costs three times as much as eating unhealthy. If fatty foods and soda's where more expensive than veggies/fruit/and juice we might be more comfortable as a society.
6. I have a box of comics I saved from when I was a kid, back then I used to dream about how much they'd be worth when I got older. Now I just don't want to store that box anymore. I'm counting down the days to get rid of the thing.
5. This area is one of the few in the world where a couple making a good income cannot live in comfort. I looked into home prices in Colorado Springs and a few other areas and typical rent is in the $650 range and a typical mortgage is in the $600. Why is it $1250 and $1100 in Alexandria? Is the water really that much better?
4. I saw a sixty year old guy wearing doc martins, black jeans, and a hoody yesterday, then I looked at what I was wearing. Is there a set age when I have to wear black socks and sandles with shorts pulled up to my nipples? I think I'll age like that old man. I snickered to myself when I saw him but he's still rocking it his way.
3. There are 52 weekends in a year, I used to average 40+ weekends going out with someone and hanging out. That number has dropped every year. Now I average maybe 10+.
2. I have been trying to settle on a new profile pic but can't find one that I like. Maybe I'm trying to give the impression of vanity, or maybe, just maybe I'm scared to death of getting older.
1. Clothing looks a lot cooler on a maniquen than it does on a guy, but clothing looks better on a woman than it did in the store. . . . Where are the cool clothing options for guys that don't make you look like you are on your way to a bondage club? grrr.......
Well have a good weekend all and I hope that the yolk like substance spreading on the computer from the crack in my skull gives someone food for thought.
Peace, love and swordfish.
10. You can't watch ten minutes of T.V. lately without seeing a commercial for Jarhead. Is the box office in so much of a slump that we have to see the same commercial every commercial break until we all go to see the movie?
9. The fourth major news story of a Teacher sleeping with one of her students hit The Smoking Gun today. I'm sure that there are plenty of guys and girls with the mentality of ninth graders out there, pick up one of those instead.
8. I was leaving my job because gas prices where killing me, now that gas prices are falling I'm not working that job anymore. . . Grrrr.... Murphy's law is in my pocket but it doesn't work for me.
7. silvereve made an excellent point to me the other day, eating healthy costs three times as much as eating unhealthy. If fatty foods and soda's where more expensive than veggies/fruit/and juice we might be more comfortable as a society.
6. I have a box of comics I saved from when I was a kid, back then I used to dream about how much they'd be worth when I got older. Now I just don't want to store that box anymore. I'm counting down the days to get rid of the thing.
5. This area is one of the few in the world where a couple making a good income cannot live in comfort. I looked into home prices in Colorado Springs and a few other areas and typical rent is in the $650 range and a typical mortgage is in the $600. Why is it $1250 and $1100 in Alexandria? Is the water really that much better?
4. I saw a sixty year old guy wearing doc martins, black jeans, and a hoody yesterday, then I looked at what I was wearing. Is there a set age when I have to wear black socks and sandles with shorts pulled up to my nipples? I think I'll age like that old man. I snickered to myself when I saw him but he's still rocking it his way.
3. There are 52 weekends in a year, I used to average 40+ weekends going out with someone and hanging out. That number has dropped every year. Now I average maybe 10+.
2. I have been trying to settle on a new profile pic but can't find one that I like. Maybe I'm trying to give the impression of vanity, or maybe, just maybe I'm scared to death of getting older.
1. Clothing looks a lot cooler on a maniquen than it does on a guy, but clothing looks better on a woman than it did in the store. . . . Where are the cool clothing options for guys that don't make you look like you are on your way to a bondage club? grrr.......
Well have a good weekend all and I hope that the yolk like substance spreading on the computer from the crack in my skull gives someone food for thought.
Peace, love and swordfish.
The prices for DC metro area are insane. So you're not working for Sirius anymore?
And, yes, I do have a question: Why the fuck did I just spend all that money on a prescription?!?