Having just been tagged for twenty questions I'll get down to the business. . . .
20. In high-school most of my friends thought I talked like Christian Slater, for some reason this bothered me and I spent a good deal of time correcting my voice. . . . Wisdom was not my friend in High School.
19. I spent almost ten years in the U.S. Army working on things that go buzz in the night. . . and no the Army doesn't have a vibrator repair division.
18. When my ex-wife left and I left the Army I embarked on a year long celibacy, which I ended to the daywith the consumation of my attraction for my wife MEMBER=silvereve]
17. I have chicken legs, not actual legs of a chicken but if I shaved my legs and took a picture of only them, you'd think either a guy with chicken legs or a beautiful set of female dancer legs. . . one of my least favorite parts of my body.
16. When stationed in Germany I developed a dozen stupid human tricks to earn free drinks from the locals. They include: placing my entire fist in my mouth, placing $3.50 in quarters up my nose, shotgunning a beer bottle in three seconds, and lifting my body to a handstand from a seated position on a barstool.
15. I still carry two scars from unsuccessful stupid human tricks.
14. My last day as a skateboarder involved a steep 1/2 mile mountain road, being too cool to wear a shirt, and road rash from the base of my skull down both ass cheeks. . . A whole summer ruined and my dreams of being Tony Hawk or Steve Cabellero flushed down the drain.
13. I've been cut with a razor, shot with a rifle, hit in the forehead with a crowbar, had my face stitched back together twice by a doctor, and once by myself, powdered my right hand, exploded a vertibrae, severed my sciatic nerves, had a cigarette put out in my eye, and suffered countless dislocations but I'll still act like a baby when I get a cold.
12. I am a video game fiend, I can honestly sit in front of a computer or video game console and just play for days on end. If it has a story or I can lose myself in it, I'm there.
11. I am the son of a boxer/butcher/gambler who is the son of a private casino owner/produce stand owner/extortionist. My family trade is dealing cards and that's the environment I grew up in. I grew up mixing drinks and delivering food to some of the scumiest people you're ever likely to meet since I was six. My grandfather also ran a produce stand so I was learing how to con people during the day, and hearing all of those "goodfellas' stories all night.
10. My father became a born again christian around 1995 and moved a church into his house, behind the pulpit was a set of double doors that led to his casino. It was a wonderful day when the preacher opened the doors wide during a sermon exposing the "den of iniquity" encased behind.
9. I have very strong opinions on music: Tori Amos was my favorite until she went crazy, Trent needs to put out more than one album every five years, Pink Floyd is one of the greatest bands ever, AC-DC and Led Zepplin where way overrated, Radiohead is in a class of music all it's own, Elvis Costello is a genius, and remakes of any song should be outlawed.
8. If Laurel K. Hamilton and Douglas Adams mixed DNA they would have produced Jim Butcher (great author, and only getting better)
7. I have gone on a quest to watch all of the movies that terrified me as a child, there is only one that will still give me trouble at night and that's The Changeling with George C. Scott.
6. I worked at McDonald's for maybe a week during Summer vacation. I had a very unsettling moment that left me both fearful of working in the fast food industry and terrified of little people. Even trying to type about it is giving me the chills.
5. I hate having body hair and try everything possible to get rid of it. Occassionally to the point of suffering cuts in places you don't even want abrasions in.
4. I like to consider myself a good cook, some people consider me a rather imaginative cook. . . I guess calling a dish unique can take on many meanings.
3. I proposed to the majority of the girls who went to my highschool during my senior year by grabbing their hand and singing you are my sunshine my only sunshine until they'd agree to marry me.
2. A week before I went into the Army someone with my same name from the town over (LaPlata Maryland) died in a car accident, his obit didn't include a picture and my recruiter contacted my parents to give his condolences. Needless to say I wasn't dead but I did leave Waldorf for 10 years. When I came back to the home town I can't tell you how many people I scared, or how many times people would just stare it has to be one of the most surreal feelings I've ever experienced.
1. During the football season my mood, and the mood of my wife are often dictated by the scoreboard. If there was one thing I could change about myself it would be my reliance on The Washington Redskins to give me something to cheer about. Needless to say for whatever reason or whatever powers that be declare, everything that
silvereve wants to do from August until February happens on Sunday between the hours of 1200 and 800.
I am finished and it was a lot harder than I thought it would be. Now it's time to play chain letter happiness and pick three to do the twenty questions. . . grrr. . . . who to pick that hasn't been picked yet. . . hafu ; saintinsomniac ; and goatsgotohell enjoy.!!!!!!
20. In high-school most of my friends thought I talked like Christian Slater, for some reason this bothered me and I spent a good deal of time correcting my voice. . . . Wisdom was not my friend in High School.
19. I spent almost ten years in the U.S. Army working on things that go buzz in the night. . . and no the Army doesn't have a vibrator repair division.
18. When my ex-wife left and I left the Army I embarked on a year long celibacy, which I ended to the daywith the consumation of my attraction for my wife MEMBER=silvereve]
17. I have chicken legs, not actual legs of a chicken but if I shaved my legs and took a picture of only them, you'd think either a guy with chicken legs or a beautiful set of female dancer legs. . . one of my least favorite parts of my body.
16. When stationed in Germany I developed a dozen stupid human tricks to earn free drinks from the locals. They include: placing my entire fist in my mouth, placing $3.50 in quarters up my nose, shotgunning a beer bottle in three seconds, and lifting my body to a handstand from a seated position on a barstool.
15. I still carry two scars from unsuccessful stupid human tricks.
14. My last day as a skateboarder involved a steep 1/2 mile mountain road, being too cool to wear a shirt, and road rash from the base of my skull down both ass cheeks. . . A whole summer ruined and my dreams of being Tony Hawk or Steve Cabellero flushed down the drain.
13. I've been cut with a razor, shot with a rifle, hit in the forehead with a crowbar, had my face stitched back together twice by a doctor, and once by myself, powdered my right hand, exploded a vertibrae, severed my sciatic nerves, had a cigarette put out in my eye, and suffered countless dislocations but I'll still act like a baby when I get a cold.
12. I am a video game fiend, I can honestly sit in front of a computer or video game console and just play for days on end. If it has a story or I can lose myself in it, I'm there.
11. I am the son of a boxer/butcher/gambler who is the son of a private casino owner/produce stand owner/extortionist. My family trade is dealing cards and that's the environment I grew up in. I grew up mixing drinks and delivering food to some of the scumiest people you're ever likely to meet since I was six. My grandfather also ran a produce stand so I was learing how to con people during the day, and hearing all of those "goodfellas' stories all night.
10. My father became a born again christian around 1995 and moved a church into his house, behind the pulpit was a set of double doors that led to his casino. It was a wonderful day when the preacher opened the doors wide during a sermon exposing the "den of iniquity" encased behind.
9. I have very strong opinions on music: Tori Amos was my favorite until she went crazy, Trent needs to put out more than one album every five years, Pink Floyd is one of the greatest bands ever, AC-DC and Led Zepplin where way overrated, Radiohead is in a class of music all it's own, Elvis Costello is a genius, and remakes of any song should be outlawed.
8. If Laurel K. Hamilton and Douglas Adams mixed DNA they would have produced Jim Butcher (great author, and only getting better)
7. I have gone on a quest to watch all of the movies that terrified me as a child, there is only one that will still give me trouble at night and that's The Changeling with George C. Scott.
6. I worked at McDonald's for maybe a week during Summer vacation. I had a very unsettling moment that left me both fearful of working in the fast food industry and terrified of little people. Even trying to type about it is giving me the chills.
5. I hate having body hair and try everything possible to get rid of it. Occassionally to the point of suffering cuts in places you don't even want abrasions in.
4. I like to consider myself a good cook, some people consider me a rather imaginative cook. . . I guess calling a dish unique can take on many meanings.
3. I proposed to the majority of the girls who went to my highschool during my senior year by grabbing their hand and singing you are my sunshine my only sunshine until they'd agree to marry me.
2. A week before I went into the Army someone with my same name from the town over (LaPlata Maryland) died in a car accident, his obit didn't include a picture and my recruiter contacted my parents to give his condolences. Needless to say I wasn't dead but I did leave Waldorf for 10 years. When I came back to the home town I can't tell you how many people I scared, or how many times people would just stare it has to be one of the most surreal feelings I've ever experienced.
1. During the football season my mood, and the mood of my wife are often dictated by the scoreboard. If there was one thing I could change about myself it would be my reliance on The Washington Redskins to give me something to cheer about. Needless to say for whatever reason or whatever powers that be declare, everything that
silvereve wants to do from August until February happens on Sunday between the hours of 1200 and 800.
I am finished and it was a lot harder than I thought it would be. Now it's time to play chain letter happiness and pick three to do the twenty questions. . . grrr. . . . who to pick that hasn't been picked yet. . . hafu ; saintinsomniac ; and goatsgotohell enjoy.!!!!!!
So, what do you think of my friend Richard?

Your list is fascinating!