so i read some peoples journals... random ones too..
and you know what..i couldnt come up with anything i wanted to say. to anyone. about anything.
i really dont even put my whole heart into chatting online sometimes these days...oh god apathy...take me now.
its not that i dont want to..some of these ppl i genuinely like. i just cant talk useless talk... reactionary conversations that go nowhere..where ppl just talk to keep talking..i cant do it.
i dont even know what im trying to say.
i had it all written out perfectly before..but then i hit a fucking button on my mouse and lost it.
fuck..i wouldnt even read this if i was someone else..i can even stand my own diatribe.
so i read some peoples journals... random ones too..
and you know what..i couldnt come up with anything i wanted to say. to anyone. about anything.
i really dont even put my whole heart into chatting online sometimes these days...oh god apathy...take me now.
its not that i dont want to..some of these ppl i genuinely like. i just cant talk useless talk... reactionary conversations that go nowhere..where ppl just talk to keep talking..i cant do it.
i dont even know what im trying to say.
i had it all written out perfectly before..but then i hit a fucking button on my mouse and lost it.
fuck..i wouldnt even read this if i was someone else..i can even stand my own diatribe.
Happy Happy Birthday!
I saw you with livingdeadkirst in the city the other day!

Nice to meet you too.