Anytime Luv . . . that's what friends are for, besides I enjoy being optimistic, it puts a much better spin on life, but i know it's hard when things just keep goin wrong. My luv is a huge pessimist, he is getting better, but i think that if we were both pessimists, we would both be dead by now. So keep tryin doll
So, I found out that my grandmother has cancer again.
She started off with breast cancer in 1995, they removed the cancerous portion and beat the rest of the cancer into remission, until last year. Last year she was diagnosed with cancer again, this time in her blood stream and in her lungs. But, due to advances in medicines.. They beat it into remission again...... Read More
my mother has been rediagnosed with breast cancer.. thats all three of the girls in her family.. now im more worried than i ever was, not only for mom, but for my future health as well... my condolences to you...
I saw that on your profile.. you must be playing indoors.. its waaay to cold out for paintball... well at least for me.. i play on a regular basis,, i even have a tattoo of an alien chick with a paintball gun on my calf.. ... i just hate playing when its cooold...
i have to be careful without them though, i have a hood piercing.. wouldnt want to get it rubbing the wrong way , well, or the right way for that matter, in the middle of church or something...