bob and i rented 'chasing amy'.. i've never seen it.
we sat down and started watching. everything was cool until ben affleck's little speech to joey lauren adams. i immediately started tearing up. the whole fuckin.. stupid.. girly.. "why doesn't anyone love me like that?! complex. so she freaks out, and i'm starting to calm down a little.. and then she's gotta run her sexy little ass back over and start vigorously making out with him.. and i had to leave the room.
so i suck, basically.
but i'm filling out the free personality test for shit, what's the worst that can happen? i fall in love? i don't, and get my money back? it's harmless. and i get to answer a ton of questions and wait for these fuckin scientists and psychologists on the other end to analyze and pair me with someone as fucked up as i am.
let the fun begin.
warm - very
clever - somewhat
dominant - not really
ambitious - somewhat
outgoing - not really
agreeable - very
modest - very
submissive - very
lazy - somewhat
introverted - very
aloof - not really
quarrelsome - not really
cold - not at all
gregarious - somewhat
arrogant - not really
gregarious?! okay, part two.
impulsive - very
stable - not really
energetic - very
spiritual - somewhat
adventuresome - very
frugal - very
predictable - somewhat
affectionate - very
organized - not really
intelligent - somewhat
compassionate - very
attractive - not really
loyal - very
witty - somewhat i have my moments, i swear..
neat - not at all
jesus. this is getting kind of tedious. onto part three.
content - not at all
humorous - very
efficient - somewhat
artistic - very
perfectionist - not really
creative - very i said i have my moments..
spontaneous - very
sensitive - somewhat
under-achiever - not really heh. when i first read that, i thought it said "UBER" achiever. i still would've put 'not really'..
uncomplicated - not really i know i'm a mess you don't wanna clean up..
generous - very
intellectual - very
moral - somewhat
disciplined - somewhat
adaptable - very
it's uh.. getting kinda late.
communicative - very
honest - very
sensual - very
liberal - very
charming - not really
patient - somewhat
reliable - very
resilient - very
optimistic - not really
conservative - not at all
passionate - very
reflective - very like.. extremely..
caring - very
genuine - very
open - very
self-aware - very
competitive - somewhat
over-Achiever - not really
vivacious - somewhat
wise - somewhat
bossy - somewhat
leader - not really
irritable - somewhat
show-off - not really
independent - somewhat
kind - very
calm - not really
courageous - somewhat
aggressive - somewhat
persistent - somewhat
wow. i'm fucking boring.
outspoken - very
follower - somewhat
rational - somewhat
opinionated - very
restless - very
romantic - somewhat
selfish - somewhat
shy - very
stubborn - somewhat
trusting - very
jealous - somewhat
okay, so for question 12, or whatever.. i think i missed the first eleven, but oh well. this is what it says.
12. Imagine that your friends had to choose the best FOUR descriptions for you from the items below. Click next to the four items that they would be most likely to pick:
of the billions of words they listed, i chose quiet, energetic, sweet and easy going.
i enjoy a good joke - very
i enjoy acquiring possessions - very
i enjoy work for work's sake - not really
i enjoy mingling with people on social occasions - not really
i like reading everything I can about a subject - very
i am satisfied with my level of emotional developmen- not at all
i like to spend my spare time being physically active - very
i am able to express myself in unique ways (e.g., words, music, art) - very
my personal religious beliefs are important to me - not really
i have a high desire for sexual activity - very
i like to play pranks on others - somewhat
i strive to advance in my career - somewhat
i take great pleasure in knowing I have done a good job, whether or not others recognize it - very
it is easy for me to engage in conversations with people I have just met - very
i tend to think "outside the box" - very
i view myself as well adjusted - not really
i need to take time to "veg out" - somewhat
i am a good artist - not really
my faith affects my life - not really
i greatly appreciate the physical beauty of the opposite sex - very
i often see humor in everyday life - very
it is important for me to be viewed by others as a successful person - not really
i feel a bit guilty if I am not being productive - very
being in settings where I will meet new people is an important part of my life - somewhat
i ask questions in search of information - very
i think it is important to continually try to improve myself - not really
i care a lot about the physical shape I am in - not really
My mind does much better with facts and figures than with concepts - not at all
okay, this is crap. i'm going to finish this tomorrow. tune in, if you dare.
got my baby grand and my throne, sucka.
we sat down and started watching. everything was cool until ben affleck's little speech to joey lauren adams. i immediately started tearing up. the whole fuckin.. stupid.. girly.. "why doesn't anyone love me like that?! complex. so she freaks out, and i'm starting to calm down a little.. and then she's gotta run her sexy little ass back over and start vigorously making out with him.. and i had to leave the room.
so i suck, basically.
but i'm filling out the free personality test for shit, what's the worst that can happen? i fall in love? i don't, and get my money back? it's harmless. and i get to answer a ton of questions and wait for these fuckin scientists and psychologists on the other end to analyze and pair me with someone as fucked up as i am.
let the fun begin.
warm - very
clever - somewhat
dominant - not really
ambitious - somewhat
outgoing - not really
agreeable - very
modest - very
submissive - very
lazy - somewhat
introverted - very
aloof - not really
quarrelsome - not really
cold - not at all
gregarious - somewhat
arrogant - not really
gregarious?! okay, part two.
impulsive - very
stable - not really
energetic - very
spiritual - somewhat
adventuresome - very
frugal - very
predictable - somewhat
affectionate - very
organized - not really
intelligent - somewhat
compassionate - very
attractive - not really
loyal - very
witty - somewhat i have my moments, i swear..
neat - not at all
jesus. this is getting kind of tedious. onto part three.
content - not at all
humorous - very
efficient - somewhat
artistic - very
perfectionist - not really
creative - very i said i have my moments..
spontaneous - very
sensitive - somewhat
under-achiever - not really heh. when i first read that, i thought it said "UBER" achiever. i still would've put 'not really'..
uncomplicated - not really i know i'm a mess you don't wanna clean up..
generous - very
intellectual - very
moral - somewhat
disciplined - somewhat
adaptable - very
it's uh.. getting kinda late.
communicative - very
honest - very
sensual - very
liberal - very
charming - not really
patient - somewhat
reliable - very
resilient - very
optimistic - not really
conservative - not at all
passionate - very
reflective - very like.. extremely..
caring - very
genuine - very
open - very
self-aware - very
competitive - somewhat
over-Achiever - not really
vivacious - somewhat
wise - somewhat
bossy - somewhat
leader - not really
irritable - somewhat
show-off - not really
independent - somewhat
kind - very
calm - not really
courageous - somewhat
aggressive - somewhat
persistent - somewhat
wow. i'm fucking boring.
outspoken - very
follower - somewhat
rational - somewhat
opinionated - very
restless - very
romantic - somewhat
selfish - somewhat
shy - very
stubborn - somewhat
trusting - very
jealous - somewhat
okay, so for question 12, or whatever.. i think i missed the first eleven, but oh well. this is what it says.
12. Imagine that your friends had to choose the best FOUR descriptions for you from the items below. Click next to the four items that they would be most likely to pick:
of the billions of words they listed, i chose quiet, energetic, sweet and easy going.
i enjoy a good joke - very
i enjoy acquiring possessions - very
i enjoy work for work's sake - not really
i enjoy mingling with people on social occasions - not really
i like reading everything I can about a subject - very
i am satisfied with my level of emotional developmen- not at all
i like to spend my spare time being physically active - very
i am able to express myself in unique ways (e.g., words, music, art) - very
my personal religious beliefs are important to me - not really
i have a high desire for sexual activity - very
i like to play pranks on others - somewhat
i strive to advance in my career - somewhat
i take great pleasure in knowing I have done a good job, whether or not others recognize it - very
it is easy for me to engage in conversations with people I have just met - very
i tend to think "outside the box" - very
i view myself as well adjusted - not really
i need to take time to "veg out" - somewhat
i am a good artist - not really
my faith affects my life - not really
i greatly appreciate the physical beauty of the opposite sex - very
i often see humor in everyday life - very
it is important for me to be viewed by others as a successful person - not really
i feel a bit guilty if I am not being productive - very
being in settings where I will meet new people is an important part of my life - somewhat
i ask questions in search of information - very
i think it is important to continually try to improve myself - not really
i care a lot about the physical shape I am in - not really
My mind does much better with facts and figures than with concepts - not at all
okay, this is crap. i'm going to finish this tomorrow. tune in, if you dare.

got my baby grand and my throne, sucka.
that movie sucked
why CAN'T i be loved like that
oh well.
ive taken all sorts of tests like those.....
no luck :x
mmm chocolate cake!!!!
hehe i figured you did. just checking though. was wondering why you highlighted that