so here's the thing.
i'm drunk.
a few hours ago, i left pork tenderloin out to thaw.
it's thawed.
but i don't have ameat tenderizer.
so i call hellix, and he says to use a can of soup.
so i'm all ready with my meat and my can, and i realize that tenderizing meat is too noisy a task to perform inside a building full of mean old ladies.
so i decide to take my cutting board and my meat and my can outside.
in 8 degree weather.
thirty seconds into my drunken pounding on the porch, i think that maybe this isn't a good idea.
so i'm stuck inside, drunk and paranoid, with some fresh-sliced RAW pork tenderloin, only halfway through being tenderized.
but uh.. i'm happy? i don't know.
i'm drunk.
a few hours ago, i left pork tenderloin out to thaw.
it's thawed.
but i don't have ameat tenderizer.
so i call hellix, and he says to use a can of soup.
so i'm all ready with my meat and my can, and i realize that tenderizing meat is too noisy a task to perform inside a building full of mean old ladies.
so i decide to take my cutting board and my meat and my can outside.
in 8 degree weather.
thirty seconds into my drunken pounding on the porch, i think that maybe this isn't a good idea.
so i'm stuck inside, drunk and paranoid, with some fresh-sliced RAW pork tenderloin, only halfway through being tenderized.
but uh.. i'm happy? i don't know.


You know, I'll have to say, the stegosauruses are quite under-rated. Now if you could just get one to hold still long enough to get in the waffle-iron...

you're happy because you're drunk...but that sounds hilarious...