To all my lovely freinds...Im working on a Black and white sketch of the suicide girls Emblem surrounded by some of the models...ill post it when im will be awsome..and if not..a really cute place mat
//oh yea yea of course the girls girls iv been lucky enough to get on my List of freinds are definitly in...thanks dolls..just need a few more...some more...
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//oh yea yea of course the girls girls iv been lucky enough to get on my List of freinds are definitly in...thanks dolls..just need a few more...some more...
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Today..started out tooth is killing me but i have to wait to get it pulled....BUT on a high light..Got the Job i was shooting i guess everything worked out in the end.....................................BUT GOD DAMN DOES THIS TOOTH HURT!!!!
Synapse to synapse; the possibility's thin. I'm dressed up for free drinks
and family greetings on your wedding date. The figures in plastic on your
wedding cake that I took were so real. And I kept a distance:
the complications cloud the postcards and blips through fiber optics,
as the girls with the pigtails were running from little boys wearing bowties
their parents bought: "I'll...
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and family greetings on your wedding date. The figures in plastic on your
wedding cake that I took were so real. And I kept a distance:
the complications cloud the postcards and blips through fiber optics,
as the girls with the pigtails were running from little boys wearing bowties
their parents bought: "I'll...
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Death Cab For Cutie.
What do I win????
What do I win????
todays Rambelings
My ex gf came out of no where that i have a daughter...and iv been getting used to the idea...took me awhile for it to let it sink in..but its getting into me..which i figured was really awsome..then i say ok well lets do the DNA test just so i can say shes my daughter on BS about it..and she flips...says she...
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My ex gf came out of no where that i have a daughter...and iv been getting used to the idea...took me awhile for it to let it sink in..but its getting into me..which i figured was really awsome..then i say ok well lets do the DNA test just so i can say shes my daughter on BS about it..and she flips...says she...
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oh wow, this journal entry is crazy. Awkward.. thats all I have to say
oh and um. Nobody had a golden snitch tat because.. its just soo cool its beyond everybody... hahaha
oh and um. Nobody had a golden snitch tat because.. its just soo cool its beyond everybody... hahaha
yes dear life does go on, but u now what most girls try to pick the great guys to say that there the dad so ya i think u would have amde a good one
but htat will come later in life right!!!!!!!! anyways be happy that it ia over with and u have no responsib;ties to a little girl(even if u wanted them)
take care and everything will work out i promise
love to ya

Pushing my way threw the endless crowds
Ready to call it a night
Pack up the bags
Put the drum kit away
order that last drink to save the day
its all so simple
why break the chain
Why Ruin the system
Grab the keys..time to go home
Time for that long drive down 2nd av..
take that turn right off road.
Just go on...
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Ready to call it a night
Pack up the bags
Put the drum kit away
order that last drink to save the day
its all so simple
why break the chain
Why Ruin the system
Grab the keys..time to go home
Time for that long drive down 2nd av..
take that turn right off road.
Just go on...
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i WROTE that because it had personal meaning to me. and i was being sarcastic. sort of. it was true but jaded.
thank you for your sweet comment on my set. i'm glad you enjoyed it!

hmm i hate being the new kid...Offline and on my messenger name..crap load of and now i feel like im back In hs..freshmen year...Oh well..everyone is new again at some point in their life
Hmm well...Finally filled out my profile..still new to the site...I wonder who will be my First Friend hmmm..But anyways..I like talking to anyone new...helps me learn more about people and myself and that to me is pretty damn cool....all i ever ask from people is to be themeslelves...thats all, I think alot of people try to hide behind fads and what they think other would...
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