It wasn't what you would call exactly a normal conversation. I am a little anxiety ridden, over exhausted, and physically stressed so I know I sounded...off, for lack of a better word. But, I was talking wasn't I? And then, I saw it. I saw it all over myself, the walls, the counters, the floors, the phone, and, worse, in the phone. I saw it....
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I hate it when that happens. Someone needs to make a little paper bag for those situations. Like the ones on airplanes.... just to help minimize the danger to innocent bystanders, and current interests. smile
Daily Capricorn Forecast

Quickie: Give yourself more credit than you have been; you know exactly what you're doing.
Overview: Some troubled waters show signs of calming down. The best thing you can do right now is not stir up any past matters. Let the universe do its work. Meanwhile, your good mood will just increase with these changes.
Sometimes the Yahoo universe is oddly...
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I just want to shake my head but you can't see that. Went back to an old flame, got dumped by the wayside again. Went out with friends, friend got drunk and irritated the hell out of me. Then, other friend's date puked in my car. Everyone stopped talking to me. And, guy I think is hot is dating a "few" other girls. Mostly strippers...
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Wow, suddenly I don't feel so bad about my life. Well just remeber when things are down there's no place to go but up. At least the hot guy is with hot girls. The hot girl I saw at a bar 2 wks ago who wouldn't give me the time of day was dancing with guys who weren't hot at all. sigh. God really hates me.
That suc ks. What are you going to do to feel better? smile
Everything was going well, until I locked my keys in my car tonight. Only got one from the dealership. Arr.
Where's a car thief when you need one. Yeah I hate it when that happens. My spare key is actually in the car. I've got to remember to put it in my pocket one of these days before I end up needing it. smile
A couple of weeks ago someone told me that when I say things they hurt. My response was, "The truth usually does." For those of you who have known me a long time, you know that it is my character to be abrupt, mean, stoic or emotional, and, sometimes, hurtful. But, you also know that on the other side I'm faithful, loyal, and unfailingly honest...
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Have you ever thought of applying to become an SG? You should give it a shot.
it has been. i hope things have been better for you than they have been for me lately.
A couple of weeks ago I got a fortune...'Without love, what is life.' Is what it said. Now am I to interpret this message because I have essentially given up on love, ceased to believe that anyone will ever love me enough to keep me. Or do I assume it means to keep loving the one who might never tell me he loves me. How...
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That guy above me is right. I was feeling like that before in my early twenties, but as time passes its not so bad and your chances of finding some one gets better. You never know what you will find and being negative about it just increases your chance of never finding something happy because you have blinders on.
I know how you feel dear. The right one will turn up eventually. It's a matter of patience, and right now, you've got all the time in the world. Focus on treating yourself, and having fun!
I talked to the evil mormon....who I can't really call evil anymore. After everything he did to me, he's suffering for it. He says he wants me, can't stop thinking about me, dreams about me. Only a very small part of me is satisfied that he got what he deserved. The rest is blissfully, blissfully happy that he seems to be coming to his senses....
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Hey, I was dreaming about you last night sexy. kiss
If he bothers you too much about wanting you quote to him Paul's address to the Collosian biggrin

Sorry, I do not know anything from the book of Mormen so can not point out usefull passages there.

I am new to your journal. Is he your ex-husband or something like that?
Seeking entertaining, engaging people of all ages for friendships. Really. I know barely anyone in Sac and now that I don't get to bury myself in 60 hours of work a week. I need something to do. Let's see...I love all music but don't get exposed to a lot of new or underground stuff which I'd like to be. I like movies and I'm pretty...
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Taking a road trip is a great way to meet new people, see new places and cure boredom. smile

BTW, I live in San Jose. wink
How are things?
It's been awhile. This guy I broke up with in the 12th grade has been stalking me ever since and managed to unearth my screennames and email address again. So in the midst of switching everything I lost my SG password. I am still depressed. And, have given up on love because my track record keeps getting worse, not better. A life of abstinence is...
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Glad to see you are back. Sorry to hear about the jerk who won't leave you alone. Maybe if you cut his balls off he wouldn't have a reason to stock you. Anyway, don't fret about being alone. You have lots of time to meet someone. Drop me a line anytime. smile
It's Saturday and I've been dumped, accosted, left a job, started a job, and swigged wine and ate cheese all this week. I am depressed and I am bored with being depressed but, somehow all I want to do today is be bored and depressed. I still need a photographer for my first SG photoset. I really don't even want to post this but, it...
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Happy Bday smile

I know its tough to think of when your down but when there's been a bunch of crap then you are due for a good turn.
Thanks for accepting me as a friend smile

So are you feeling better these days?

Your profile picture is beautiful smile You should definitely post for SG love