Fantastic show last night... Great crowd for Hem, and despite the usual resent of "the opening band that's keeping the headliner off the stage," we were very well received. Pretty cool. A great night made better by the always entertaining mikeHunt (who, by any name is equally sexy). I learned what a Sea Breeze is.
I'm soooooo broke right now it's stupid... See, my company wouldn't give me any more money when I moved from Ann Arbor to Chicago, saying I had to wait for the annual increases. I figured I could muddle on through the higher cost of living for a while, but here I am, a mere two weeks before an embiggend paycheck and I'm flat out of cash. This sucks.**
If you think this journal entry is boring, try this on for size.
For those interested Riviera plays this Saturday at Lilly's (on Lincoln near Fullerton). See our site for more info.
(** note that this did not keep me from picking up I Am Trying to Break Your Heart on DVD today. Yaaaay!)
I'm soooooo broke right now it's stupid... See, my company wouldn't give me any more money when I moved from Ann Arbor to Chicago, saying I had to wait for the annual increases. I figured I could muddle on through the higher cost of living for a while, but here I am, a mere two weeks before an embiggend paycheck and I'm flat out of cash. This sucks.**
If you think this journal entry is boring, try this on for size.
For those interested Riviera plays this Saturday at Lilly's (on Lincoln near Fullerton). See our site for more info.
(** note that this did not keep me from picking up I Am Trying to Break Your Heart on DVD today. Yaaaay!)
glad to see your band is playing around and doing
you actually keep your drums at your apt..and play them
there too?
i play air drums..
i really like Stephen Perkins, Stewart Copeland and John Bonham
of course..
being broke never stops me from getting stuff that I want,
like DVD's and 30dolllars worth of Cabaret Voltaire 12"..