So I love art. I love photography and enjoy taking the shots as well as appreciating others work. BUT... unfortunately, I lose that appreciation when a naked girl is in front of the camera! Ha! I just can't get past the girl! I see comments on SG commenting on the photography and I am like "What?" All I saw was the girl! For the most part, you could take a beautiful SG and have her stand in front of a white wall and I would love the set. Take a girl I am not into and snap the most artistically innovative shots ever, and I still won't like it. I judge sets, and whether I click the "I loved it" or the "Not for me" button sheerly on how attractive I find the girl to be. As I recall however, the photographer gets paid also if the set is accepted as set of the day. Thus, I am failing to appreciate a big part of what makes SG so unique: the collaboration between model and photographer. So.............. it is my goal to make a conscious effort to pay more attention to the details of the photography. I will let you know how it goes! 

hows your sets coming along?