Hey guys whats up?
Wow, Orlando and the Star Wars Celebration VI were a blast! Well, the CVI more than Orlando
As it was my first time I was overwhelmed by the stuff you could attend, things to look at and be part of! I took part in some really interesting panels and was lucky enough to even win the prize for best large black/grey tattoo at the contest! Unfortunately I didn't manage to meet up with anyone from the SG comunity but I had a great time nonetheless.
I'm now even thinking of dressing up for the next Celebration (not sure as what, Boba Fett, maybe?), taking place in Essen, Germany which will make the travel a little easier.
I was also lucky enough to escape Storm Isaac and now enjoy some family time with my aunt in Vancouver WA before meeting up with my friend in Portland!
Hope everyone is doing great and making the best out of their time!
Wow, Orlando and the Star Wars Celebration VI were a blast! Well, the CVI more than Orlando

As it was my first time I was overwhelmed by the stuff you could attend, things to look at and be part of! I took part in some really interesting panels and was lucky enough to even win the prize for best large black/grey tattoo at the contest! Unfortunately I didn't manage to meet up with anyone from the SG comunity but I had a great time nonetheless.
I'm now even thinking of dressing up for the next Celebration (not sure as what, Boba Fett, maybe?), taking place in Essen, Germany which will make the travel a little easier.
I was also lucky enough to escape Storm Isaac and now enjoy some family time with my aunt in Vancouver WA before meeting up with my friend in Portland!
Hope everyone is doing great and making the best out of their time!
Well, it was great admiring your tattoo from afar even if we didn't actually meet. Congrats to you and your win. That was a hell of a contest. So many entries. I haven't decided if I am going to make it to Essen next year (a long trip for 2 days).
I'm sorry I missed you