Hey people whats up?
Man, this past few weeks, mmh, kinda sucked.
Work's superbusy and tomorrow I'll be heading there to get some stuff done.
But I think the worst thing was to accuse someone I've known for a while for doing shit
without knowing if it actually was true, when I could have just asked...
Fucked that kinda up and hopefully I'll get it straightend out again.
Talking about good stuff happening...I've never seen my son so happy when
I brought him a R2D2 robot with sound and light effects
so I'm happy he's getting into
Star Wars, just like his dad. What was funny is, that he's calling me his "tummy dad" and his mom's bf dad
which I'm fine with because he's starting to understand the difference and he seems to be very happy when
we meet these days!
So yeah, some ups and downs..but hey, that's life!
Talk to you guys soon!
Man, this past few weeks, mmh, kinda sucked.
Work's superbusy and tomorrow I'll be heading there to get some stuff done.
But I think the worst thing was to accuse someone I've known for a while for doing shit
without knowing if it actually was true, when I could have just asked...
Fucked that kinda up and hopefully I'll get it straightend out again.
Talking about good stuff happening...I've never seen my son so happy when
I brought him a R2D2 robot with sound and light effects

Star Wars, just like his dad. What was funny is, that he's calling me his "tummy dad" and his mom's bf dad
which I'm fine with because he's starting to understand the difference and he seems to be very happy when
we meet these days!
So yeah, some ups and downs..but hey, that's life!
Talk to you guys soon!
Wir sind dann bald echt froh, wenn wir mit der Kche fertig sind, im Moment ist sie komplett leer und am Donnerstag kommen die Handwerker. Und bis Mittwoch sind wir ja noch hier in sterreich.
Und hooooooffffeeeeennnntlich bekomm ich morgen endlich Bescheid von meiner Lieblings-Bewerbungsfirma ob sie mich nehmen. Eigentlich wollten sie das ja schon Freitag machen, aber da haben sie nicht angerufen.
I <3 you anyway even if you still refuse to like the Bruins