Hi People!
Just wanted to update my blog as it's been a while
So I had my Friends Dawnie and her husband for a long weekend at my place to show them around and return a favour as they always do the same for me when I'm visiting in Germany!
I had a pretty short week, had Monday and Tuesday off, working 2 days and had Friday off again to leave for a weekend in Munich to join a friend. Showed her the places I knew and had a pretty good time
Unfortunately we had to hear about the tragic act in Norway which seems crazy that all of this happened through the hand of one person. I hope that jerk gets what he deserves.
What pissed me off was the death of Amy Winehouse and all that comes with it. I don't understand it and probably never will but how is her life more worth than any of those kid's lives? It isn't and it was her choice to friggin drink and take drugs. Those kids didn't have a choice, neither have the people, especially the children in Somalia where hundreds of them die every day. The Focus is totally wrong in my eyes and therefor I'm not gonna jump on the "RIP-Amy-Winehouse-bandwagon". She got what she deserved.
Anyway, on a more happy note, I'm hopefully gonna finish my tat this Thursday, FINALLY!
Hope you're all doing well ladies and gents!
Just wanted to update my blog as it's been a while

So I had my Friends Dawnie and her husband for a long weekend at my place to show them around and return a favour as they always do the same for me when I'm visiting in Germany!
I had a pretty short week, had Monday and Tuesday off, working 2 days and had Friday off again to leave for a weekend in Munich to join a friend. Showed her the places I knew and had a pretty good time

Unfortunately we had to hear about the tragic act in Norway which seems crazy that all of this happened through the hand of one person. I hope that jerk gets what he deserves.
What pissed me off was the death of Amy Winehouse and all that comes with it. I don't understand it and probably never will but how is her life more worth than any of those kid's lives? It isn't and it was her choice to friggin drink and take drugs. Those kids didn't have a choice, neither have the people, especially the children in Somalia where hundreds of them die every day. The Focus is totally wrong in my eyes and therefor I'm not gonna jump on the "RIP-Amy-Winehouse-bandwagon". She got what she deserved.
Anyway, on a more happy note, I'm hopefully gonna finish my tat this Thursday, FINALLY!

Hope you're all doing well ladies and gents!
Ich hoffe, wir drfen dich dann bald mal wieder bei uns begren.
Wart ihr eigentlich noch beim Sushi? Wir mssen da echt unbedingt auch mal wieder hin, nomnom
Jetzt sind wir -nach Liechtenstein, Comer See und Dolomiten- grad in Innsbruck aufgeschlagen. Camping am Comer See war soooo toll, das wrd ich gleich wieder machen, morgens frische Croissants und Bagguette mit Blick auf den See und die Berge. Jetzt sind wir allerdings wetterbedingt doch aufs Hotel ausgewichen und ich freu mich schon drauf, gleich in den Wellnessbereich zu gehen.
Noch 2 Tage, dann gehts wieder heim...