Hello SG land, I was missing for a couple of weeks as my PC was sacked by a virus, and is still in limbo. Had fun B-Day and Thanksgiving partys, lotsa dancing and feasting. Seems the good comes with the bad as I also got a horrible flu.
Winter is here, albeit a few weeks early. Snow fell two times this week...awesome! Won a poker tournament last week, beating 140 players in the game du jour, Texas Hold 'em. Not my preffered game of choice, but fun nonetheless. I prefer Omaha and Sheepshead, although it's not as easy to find a game.
As it is Thanksgiving, I was reading about the turkey recently; apparently Ben Franklin was convinced that the turkey, with it's 300 degree field of vision, acute sensetivity and complex social hierarchies was a far better choice for national bird than the eagle, which he felt was of "bad moral character, like those among men who live by sharping and robbing, he is generally poor, and often very lousy...the turkey...is a much more respectable bird, and withal a true native of America."
Along those lines I wonder why we American's haven't given honarable mention to the cockroach and the rat as well, don't you?
In any case thanks for the B-day greetings!
Winter is here, albeit a few weeks early. Snow fell two times this week...awesome! Won a poker tournament last week, beating 140 players in the game du jour, Texas Hold 'em. Not my preffered game of choice, but fun nonetheless. I prefer Omaha and Sheepshead, although it's not as easy to find a game.
As it is Thanksgiving, I was reading about the turkey recently; apparently Ben Franklin was convinced that the turkey, with it's 300 degree field of vision, acute sensetivity and complex social hierarchies was a far better choice for national bird than the eagle, which he felt was of "bad moral character, like those among men who live by sharping and robbing, he is generally poor, and often very lousy...the turkey...is a much more respectable bird, and withal a true native of America."
Along those lines I wonder why we American's haven't given honarable mention to the cockroach and the rat as well, don't you?
In any case thanks for the B-day greetings!
I'm glad you liked my silly poem, although I stress that I'm not really that easily corrupted! Richness of character seems to be all I have for now.
I'm glad you had a fun Birthday.
The ice hotel... as in the hotel made out of ice?