1) I was born and I live in Rome (Italy) when I say this in many people respond "blessed are Rome and 'the most beautiful city in the world" the truth is that I personally do not like Rome and if I had to move I would go to Sicily or Japan.
2)I have a real adoration for cats, for me they are absolute superior beings.
3)I never did gymnasium or diets. I like eating and sleeping.
4)In my life I do the photo model to keep myself, but in reality I will soon start an academy of videogames programming
5)I hate discos
6)Soon I want to open a youtube channel on the gameplay
7)I love reading books, but I hate ebooks, I think books should be made of paper and not digital
8)I wrote two books but I have no money to publish them, in life among the many things I would like to do one of the main ones is the writer
9)I studied piano and singing for two years and I worked for a while at a local karaoke in Rome
10)I suffer from haptophobia, so I have repulsion in physical contact with any stranger with whom I do not have much confidence. It makes me sick even when they accidentally touch me on the subway