Just when i think everything is going good something else has to go wrong. I went to the dr's today to find out why i am always sick and get excrutiating pain whenever i eat and its cause i'm lactose intolerant and i have irritable bowel syndrome. So i now have to take a pill everytime i eat. also i have to go get evaluated by a counselor because he wants to put me on anti-depressant/anxiety medication to help relieve my anxiety/depression issues and stress to help improve my intestinal issues. and not to mention i have to eventually have rectal surgery to remove something and have blood work done because he also thinks i might have some disease or blood/metabloism problem. Whatever i am so sick and tired of being sick. Will it ever end. I already have had to deal with the pain of scoliosis and now finally being diagnosed with this shit. I hate how everything in my life surrounding me is amazing except for ME.
but things are good now ^_^
So try and stay optimistic