So I don't give a fuck anymore, and i am going to act towards you the way you act towards me now cause obviously being very patient isn't working anymore. Josh you are a douchebag. I was nice enough to lend you 1 fucking thousand dollars, thats right 1,000.00.... when we were together and you cant even give me 300 of it back. thats fantastic. Remind me why we stayed friends after i broke up with you? cause i am really not seeing it. You are so immature and FAKE FAKE FAKE. you're fucking 36 YEARS OLD. Stop acting 18 and get your life together. Don't fucking make me look like i am the bad guy, You PROMISED me day after day that you would give me the money and then everyday that i would text you and ask you what was up you would ignore me. And don't fucking blame it on your dad being in the hospital. He has only been there for what less than a week. What happened to the past month and a half before that that you put it off? YOU were the one who told ME that you would give me it on this day and that day. So don't come back at me and tell me what i said and when i said it cause that has nothing to do with you promising me it. And obviously it shows clear now that even when i told you you could send me a money order instead to help you out you STILL won't do it. You're a true winner. Date people you're age, or atleast TRY. Cause no girls my age last with you more than tops a year. You aren't in your twenties anymore, start acting like it.. And i don't know anyone who wants to be a with a guy who is 36 and lives with his dad. Now that i don't have that money i now cannot pay the bills i intended to and i cant go on my vacation cause i used money put aside to pay bills because i was promised money to do that with. So thanks for fucking up my bills and now my vacation . REALLY appreciate it. Even when i was understanding and nice about it you still disrespected me and took me for granted. So me being nice and understanding is very over now and here's a big fuck you to you for lying to me ever since i met you. be yourself.
Oh and p.s. I didn't betray you. You betrayed me. so stop writing under pictures of mine "face of a betrayer". that is very far from the truth and you know it is. i never did anything to betray you. you say this same stuff about every girlfriend that ends it with you. get over it.
p.s.s. I know you were the one who got into my myspace in december and wrote that stupid shit. i'm not an idiot. you were the only person that knew my password.
Oh and p.s. I didn't betray you. You betrayed me. so stop writing under pictures of mine "face of a betrayer". that is very far from the truth and you know it is. i never did anything to betray you. you say this same stuff about every girlfriend that ends it with you. get over it.
p.s.s. I know you were the one who got into my myspace in december and wrote that stupid shit. i'm not an idiot. you were the only person that knew my password.