Number one, there is no sex allowed on Suicide Girls. The world would never think that nakedness is not sexual. But I do. And my smart Suicide Girls friends fully understand that being naked is not sexual. Despite them not knowing my mind is wired the same way. With all of my understanding of human nature, SG is the smartest and healthiest (and smart because it’s healthy) place for me to be. My friends would try to shame me and I would tell them there is nothing sexual allowed on Suicide Girls and theist & atheist likeminded would all tell me a different thing and i hurriedly try to be quiet so the topic ends so they will move on to pick on someone else. My only reason is to make sure I don’t say anything I would never say in front of one my goddess i want to be my girl friends. My honor and caution to NEVER disrespect goddesses goes with me when I am in front of my male friends. And I come into this understanding with 8 years of meditation, laying on my belly 3 hours everyone of those days over the years, building a sound minded understanding of human nature, and my nature and ideal human nature.
When I look at any of these models with emotional maturity being gentle and stream of thought and not ever being rude. I Completely honor you! All I see is self respect. And self love. Those among us who are motivated by confidence are my goddess! When people outside of us look at what we have done and do and will do, they look at us with the imagination of how they would feel if they were naked on the Internet. They project the shame they already have in their life on people like us. All your nakedness would signify to me is ‘if I want to be loved and feel affection…’ being myself with you while you are naked actually will equate to you being more emotionally available in these moment. But those haters who already have reasons to be ashamed, them who always act rude and even them who must always think rude thoughts haphazardly, as if care free rude is the law if the land. People who live in imaginary conflict already have so much reason to be ashamed. Nakedness in reality really is a direct correlation with the metaphorical nakedness of their hearts and minds. There is a direct correlation between self love and how we treat and think about other humans. When I see emotional maturity on Suicide Girls I go Wild!
My understanding of what it means to be Holy Shines Bright as an Ideal among Models on SG! My meditations were about how God is the absolute objectivity of all social causes, AND the Objectivity of all Psychological Subjectivity. Objective Truth on a human level is the ways that we think and feel to create our own identity signature (which is the realist hottest thing about a woman). And when we interact with each other as a species there are evolutionary causes that made each one of us who we our in the same way our behavior causes other people. My understanding of man is the most important of all of these reasons. It’s simple and self afflicting men, and the world tells us we should be ashamed of ourselves because the world thinks the men are being mean to us. The world would be so ashamed if a man wanted to think about having sex with me even though he will be sad about it later or tell himself he would never be worthy to have a great enough life to have a woman as good as me to be happy and emotionally fulfilled. I feel so relieved when I see emotionally mature women on SG who just block someone who is being rude. I got to try hard not to make that happen. I’m a very good boy. It’s very alien of you to be mature about the plight of men.
My greatest demons are vanglory and pride. There is no lust in my demons. We like to be right, we like learning, and we like to be loved. We like to become right we like to obey when we are acting up and Mamacita tells us shhh baby. We like to be beautiful. The greatest sin any emotionally mature model can do is cause someone else to sin. It’s never sexual sin to be on camera. It’s not. Causing someone else to sin is a really cool sin. It’s like your not doing anything, your completely perfect expect for being seen. No emotional anguish or anything! It’s a beautiful sin. Causing someone else to sin by just being naked on camera, root emotional temptation is pride or greed or vanglory. It’s definitely not lust. I am fully aware of that.
I don’t know if I said everything…
When I see emotional maturity from a Suicide Girl while her whole body is naked, with absolute respect I know I could equally trust this woman with my whole life and every thought I will ever have. I promise you Suicide Girls, I’m more like the gay friend than a mark. I’m just the kind of guy who would rather have just one exclusive imaginary wife while I masturbate than give my heart to random women who won’t enhance my emo fantasy. I make an exclusive woman emo masturbatory trend look really good. But in real life I just want to find the most glorious woman for me and get married and only have sex with this woman for my entire life!