I really don’t know what to do about getting any of my likes and comments. If any girl wants only my affection, I want to give it to you. 😿📤📜 It does not feel real unless you send me a request to be my friend & I will add you on Facebook and start my Super-Amiga Friends messenger group call group right away. I will look like this every time I see any friend I am allowed to look at you like this. It just means I am happy and feel affection. Your friendship will also allow me to test whether or not I already have a girlfriend in line. I don’t know. She is a fantastic fantasy inside the psychic reality if I do. And maybe the psychic reality is still true even if she doesn’t choose to mate with me... 💜🤗💜
...in my YouTube show all I do is explain things. But I am always very good at being the relaxed Kitty 🐈 and being the comedy Kitty and being the romantic Boy 🐈 too. Remember most you know about me is how I explained things. And being good I am proud how being good at explaining things is helpful and Kitty is always transparent and sensing only how to communicate all things the right way. I will explain almost everything emotionally accurately to my future girlfriend and to my female friends. I am very good at maneuvering my own estrogen and also at helping the estrogen inside of the woman to understand my heart. 💘🐈💘🙈💘🐯💘
I am planning one long distance sexual sin. I want to do a video call sexual sin with a woman I want to be best friends forever but not a woman who is completely my type so it doesn’t consume me. I had a communicative vision from the time travel afterlife that my future wife comes to me because I was getting too close to another woman. I told the inner realms psychic time travel, that maybe it doesn’t happen. I would be devastated to do a video chat sexual sin with a girl who doesn’t stay in my life. So if I can make it happen and it doesn’t work I need to rethink my plan for how to get my mate for life. I’m like a bird. 💘💘🐈🦜💘💘