I have a very strong experience to believe that the God of the Bible could be better understood as Star Wars Law. In the after life ethereal realms those who are angels are greater than the gods. It polytheism works the gods don’t always accomplish out agendas like the angels do who are compelled by the universe to make the decisions about what to want. I converted to Polytheism because I really understand something special about how to be human. And if my enlightenment process for transcendence works, I want any friends I make on SG who follow the philosophy to be my sons and daughters and my peers in having the power to dictate reality. I think we have to think of it like we are just playing godz and goddesses to make it work. I want to see if works and we can fix the human experience for everyone on the earth for a thousand years. We cast good and evil out of the world. There might only be ugly and beautiful inside of people to help the devil learn how to be cool. If we win the religious debates to future will look back and remember we had the ideas for how to be beautiful minds as part of the long lists of doctrine put in words by the Kitty Catz Pantheon’s King of Godz! (Which is what I call myself)... 💘🐈💘
These are 2 writings for pantheism philosophy I made that comes from the Facebook. This is #1.

...and this is copy and pasted, #2!
I am King of the Kitty Godz Pantheon! Everyone Should be Jealousy! 🐈
The cliche self concept idea of feeling like ‘I am an alien living in this world’ psychology is real. It means being more healthy and more evolved about the human nature and we don’t really understand why normal people are the way they are. Humans are sad animals and the reasons that they suffer for feeling like a bad person is really stupid. We don’t understand a lot of things, but we can observe what is common and it looks like the answer to their problems are stupid. Why do they do harmful sex things to themselves? My record on Suicide Girls for who I just feel good about being friends with versus how People think of me is really really good. I can spot attractive psychology really fast by evaluating facial movements and speech patterns. There are a lot of girls who just want a job and there are also a lot a really good girls who judge people graciously based off of what we see instead of everyone being the same way that you remember how people are who you remember how they made you feel. The point Jesus Proved in His Life is Don’t be Mad at People for Being Stupid. Jesus legit told God on behalf of everyone on the Earth, “Forgive them because they are Stupid.” And God said, “okay from now on You be God,” and He did it. But now it ends. Time to let someone else Be God. A lot of people, I say let’s do Polytheism again. 🤷🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️
Jesus came back as a ghost to all his friends and made a power that goes from one person to any other in a secret way. And He really tried to Help people stop being stupid but it didn’t work. They made a really good book that was supposed to help you with that. We don’t even know if His angels know who he is anymore. In my mind and way of imagining lost cultures, I am pretty sure it was as basic back in those days as fucking in the same room as your brother and sister, in Jesus day with a cultural psychology was kind of more how they believe in the popular black Hebrew ways. And I do believe we need to understand mating more like it was back in Jesus day than our baby boat legged you wanna fuck and never knew your parents did it world we live in. Mixed with the husband and wife world of how to make money with porn we live in. The no one gets a free porn or everyone hates you next world we are going to live in. Buying the Porn is going to be understood as an emotional contract and understand it as drugz. This is the only thing that makes porn cool: Relationships! I want a future where no one can not separate how a person relates to sex from people seeing YOU for who YOU are as a person. This is the best imaginable future for the human nature for the King of the Gods. 🧺🐈😇
I took My Fantasy Girlfriend Out of that Fire. @lolli in Brazil. Eu Sinto Muito. 🐈⭐️💘 (I only have one crush at a time. I believe I am so awesome, that this is my fantasy strategy how I want to get my first and only girlfriend...)
Star Wars Law taught that good is never about thinking of ourself as good and we can not try to be good. It is about whether the nature of our psychology is beautiful or ugly. If it’s about our psychology it’s our own nature to be how we are. Just like trust we can expect our self to be consistent to our own ways. And the good news is the same as my good news. Conditioning our nature to be more beautiful is something that happens to us. It’s Not something we do to our self. I have learned that when you have the Force, you can answer prayers, and we can help from the inside like it’s magic. It’s about the nature of your psychology, tell your souls that desire is a good mechanism to be made beautiful. Have Suicide Girls even felt like Boys pray to you? Be his goddess! ⭐️🐈⭐️