I Began an Exciting New Concept Series On my YouTube Channel that is Just me Reading only my Potentially Inappropriate Facebook Posts. I had three good writings I had wrote to read. 💖🤗💖
And wait, there is more! 🙈🙊🙉
“...girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes, snowflakes that sta-ay on my nose and eye lashes...” From the Christmas Song called ‘My Favorite Things’ 💞❄️💞❄️💞❄️💞
I have built up such a psychology of timelessness, and now all of a sudden as I push for my life to begin, my everyday meditative psychological energy feels like I am often frozen like an arrow in the air. 💘👽💘
I am not a player, I just flirt a lot. The worst thing about flirting is when girls think it is supposed to mean something. I have a crush on @lolli ... the answer to all of life’s trouble is being pleasant. It’s dark to be so cute! 💞💖💞🧟♀️💞💖💞 And that’s how we do! 💖🥳💖