I am Swoon4Heart in this Video. I logged into Ray Bey’s stream yard on a device I didn’t use in a long time. That is my other Moniker. In the other Videos I Use Rei Anjo
I have a job idea I can do as an SG employee. I want to be a counselor for members who get in trouble with the staff. I am very good at being good to people. How do I apply for a job? 💖🤗💖
I want a part time job working for SG as a staff member. It is a smart idea because it will be easy for me as a holy man but hard for most other people. I will be very good interacting with male members if we add the feature to give bad boys the option to call me. I can be his advocate to SG and tell my boss the good things about him with confidentiality. (Review my philosophy thread) The way it will help is that I am so condescending I can tell any man about what was wrong with him and tell him what he has to do to be a good person. It would be very easy job for me to communicate with members about social protocol and I can talk to any trouble makers in person when there is any unfair infraction management is concerned about. My loyalty goes to females long before males so I want to make sure I can still flirt and be affectionate with girls. 💖🥳💖
If someone told me something true about themselves that has caused him suffering discrimination in the past and in an honest way, I would say “ok show me” because if something is true a man should never be disrespected so hard as if he is lying to me. I would be so good and fair (and be minister level merciful if the man is delusional about himself) at this job. Instead of entertaining an argument you can say, we can not judge a person by their writing, talk to our member counciler and they will know you and will be able to account for you as a human as your advocate, like this is welfare. 💖🥳💖
Other men have always told me every time we are talking about women... they say I do not understand one thing about women because I am a virgin who never was able to find a girlfriend. I AM the human who laid on my belly for 7 years to be enlightened just to be myself. It would be the MOST Fulfilling Work in this World for Me, if my job feels like telling other men what women want. 💖🥳💖