If a man ascends to become an angel of the earth, he shall perceive human nature from the perception of the grace and mercy of a good woman. She knows that human nature of both woman and man. What is common of a good man of grace and mercy can only understand human nature of other men. Man does not know what a woman sees in men. But an angel must see the human nature of both woman and man. The Man of God without being responsible for reputation is an agent of God; it is the best way to experience being human. And the Woman of God without the responsibility is a carrier. She can be Holy and not be ashamed by her nakedness and it appears asymptomatic of holiness, but the power would still be alive within her. 🦊🦋❤️
Model: my favorite friend @lolli I call her Virtuosa because I imagine with age she shall feel like into a super hero. Not because it is hard, but because it is easy. Click #2 In all her getting begets understanding, and my Bible says with this she shall win favor and a good name in the sight of both God and man. 🥰🧸🥰