I Masturbated on Camera and Posted on Instagram. If you are impressed, Share My YouTube on your Pages..
Male Sexuality is Beautiful for the same Reasons as Female.
Male Sexuality is Strong for the same Reasons as Female.
Male Sexuality looks shabby for the same Reasons as Female
It was THIS 😱😱😱
I masturbated with a machine and posted it live on Instagram. The Human
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What awr my religious views for this human species? but I know good is gothic. Good advice and then “because I’m a demon” …We pray to people who have become gravitational tornados in Heaven, OR the binded souls of our identity but even the cosmic winds do listen.
It has always taken the cosmic winds 7 years of silence to respond to one prayer, and...
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I think I’m safe. It’s a parody of a documentary (docu-drama) of real life events. Whom “Teal Swan” says was “…the most disingenuous story (her filmmakers) could tell…” with grave remorse.
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Ps. I think I have fixed the Matt character for “Schizophrenia” (being ‘clearly’ intentional)