There was Judith, lounging around in this loose-fitting dress-type outfit. With her hair all messed up, she reminded me of a housewife who had been cleaning and doing laundry all day. In reality, The Empress would never do those things. Lol.
I was experimenting with more filters for this set. Much simpler poses and a smaller number of photos. I love these types of shots....
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Annie and I immediately saw this dress and knew she should have it. The dress fits very well and has a white inner lining, so she will not be stained. Her purple wig matches well.
We had an excellent visitor during the shoot, observing and taking pictures of our Quality Doll Time process. We had music in the background, lights on, and a fun atmosphere....
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If it was anyone but Judith, I would not post this. However, Judith wanted me to post this because she thinks it is "amazing." Her left hip has been very loose for a while now, and it was time to do surgery on her. Here are a few shots.

There was prep-work, careful choices, and even now, the procedure is still not done. Judith's hip...
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Here is a scene that I am quite used to seeing. When I come home from work, while I’m doing a shoot of Annie, or if I get up in the middle of the night, Judith will be swinging in her hammock. I wanted to capture her look and show people how peaceful she is when she is in her “happy place.” I love that...
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I am proud to say that I have been a member of this excellent site since 2006. I've seen so many beautiful girls come and go, and there is so much new beauty to see. Lately, I have been blogging on this site about my two precious dolls, Annie and Judith. I love all the support they get from random members on the site and...
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This is wonderful 💝 happy bday SG!
Happy bday SG❤️

It's one thing to deal with rude as fuck customers, but when a customer is trying to do business with an employee and the employee is being rude as fuck, you aren't getting a dime from me. I get it, you have regular clientele, and they provide you enough to live on for the service you provide. But when a new customer is exploring your...
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I cannot stand it when you have a picture of a beautiful woman, her face is well in focus, and her awesome, awesome, amazing feetz are blurry. BLURRY. Sad. :( Photographers... is there any way to fix this?


There are people commenting on my posts from over two years ago. Well, hey. Better late than never. Luv this site.


Been a member of the Suicide Girl website since 2006. 9 flippin years. Yes, I am not very active on this site. I don't socialize much on here. I just like to look at the boobies and behinds. Sue me for being attracted to the female species. Whoa! Down boy! Heel! Heel! Damn. More discomfort in the crotchinal region. Excuse me...

Why don't you just socialize?
Haha... that post was written a couple years ago. I'm workin on it...
I am listening to the music off the 8bit nintendo game, SHADOWGATE. Not a person in this hell will ever comment or like this post, because they have never heard this music. But fuck it. Get it? Butt-fuck it?

Eat a doll, yall.
Wow.. I remember Funcoland. 😁 I re-bought all the games I used to own mostly for the music, but the color schemes and bosses were also why. As soon as I get time, I’m going to make a twitch channel and just play all those old games I used to beat in less than an hour. I played so much that I was able to get three cherries (5up) on the slot machine between levels on Super Mario 2 every single time just because I had the timing down to a science. lol. 
lol... just noticed that when I wrote this post back in June of 2013, at the bottom I said, "Eat a doll, ya'll." Little did I know that 6 years later I would own a doll, which I would love and care for. I wouldn't eat her though. TPE probably doesn't go down the esophagus very well.