i am REALLY disenchanted with SG!!!!!!!!!!!! ive been a member since 02 and i really liked the site cause it was a lot of different types of women. sadly its been slowly changing over the last couple of years. now its all about the freaking twigs takin over. dont get me wrong i like some of the women still. but ive talked to many of the hopefuls that are a lil curvier. heck, even teh thicker SG girls arent even getting that much love lately. this is uspposed to b a site where u can come as u are, and b reconzied. sadly alot of the hopefuls that ive talked too hhave left cause they didnt feel welcomed by the members or by the emmployes. i know a few that have submitted sets and had then refused, while a thinner girl did almost the exact samething and had theirs posted. ive seen the rejects sets and the saw one up for member review by someone else
this type of stuff is pissing me off
this type of stuff is pissing me off