Once again it has been a VERY long time since I did a blog/update. Shame on me! I pay to use this site yet neglect to use it. Okay, so I lied... I do use it, occasionally, but I've only been reading the groups. LAME!

So here is what is new:

I FINALLY got an MP3 player! So now I'm spending time each day/night downloading...
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kiss kiss kiss
So I'm on week 3 of the 100 push up challenge... Thanksgiving kicked my ass! I got pretty lazy and lax about working out. Well I am paying for it now, but 'm proud to say that I didn't slack off tonight, and made it through my entire workout.

I'm sure it will take me longer than the 6 weeks to reach the goal of...
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Not much to discuss tonight. Jesse got the new job. I hope she likes it better than the other one. smile I've started a new workout program. Nothing too serious yet. I figure if I can stick with it for 2 weeks straight then I will step it up a notch or two. For now Just some basic body weight stuff and I'm trying the one...
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So I have the day off. I took the day off because we have plans with friends tonight and I didn't want to have to rush home from work, only to shower and change quickly so we wouldn't be late. No problem, I just switch my normal day off for today. Easy. Then last night my cell phone got wet. Not majorly we, but enough...
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Okay so I have not been on in FOREVER. I had lost my internet so I could not get online as mush as I use to. Well to update you...

I got the internet working yet again but it goes slow as hell. I've finally decided what to back to school for, so now we just need to save up some money and find the...
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Thanks ValGal and silvercharmer
CONGRATS on getting MARRIED! biggrin
wish you good luck with the internet ... smile
It's cold out! How cold? Well right now it is something like -15...and that is just the air temp! Factoring in the wind chill they said it will feel more like -25 to -40... BRRR!!! Still not as bad as last night, since the wind gusts were even stronger. At -10 with a 40mph wind it would feel like... You ready for this one??? -69!!!...
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SO...my lap top is messed up once again...so that means so is my internet, the weather outside is crappy, and work still sucks.

Hope everyone else's lives are better! lol
Almost another year has past and I don't want to be another year older!!!

I don't feel 26, how can I be expected to be 27???

Happy Birthday!!
haha! You're old! You're almost 30!!!!
I just can't seem to get in the Christmas spirit this year... frown
Frankenstein stitches! Eeeeeeew! Freak!