photo credit @sunshine
I would like to take an opportunity to wish you a very Happy New Year!
There are so many members of this community that showed tremendous support. Genuinely connected with me, and kept this last year lit! If you know me. You know, this handicapable hopeful, likes to keep things lit. 🔥
Some honorable mentions: Of course I am very grateful to @missy for creating this incredible community. Best wishes for health and happiness.
@sunshine 🌞 I appreciated her efforts on my behalf. For connecting me with wonderful people, and opportunities. @rambo for her support. Wishing her all the best! @jadestoner has been such a fun person to connect with. @melissalalucy has been tremendously supportive! Best wishes to all these precious tattooed dolls.. Wishing everyone health and happiness. I connected with @coykitten and @nevergoodbye on a personal and supportive level. I always appreciate @cleodora for her guidance and encouragement. @risky has been a sweetheart. @chroi has been supportive. @charmed and I connected. @felicity inspired me and I hope we can collab-goals. @chadnovak for all of his hard work on my handicapable journey to turn pink. @eirenne has been such an inspiration. @vaega has been such a doll to me. Always being sweet and supportive. @biancab has been so lovely 😍. @wicked for the inspiration. My doll @lazarus_ is always fun when we connect. Hopefully we can do a double set someday. I look forward to getting to know the fabulous @penny better. Thank you for supporting hopefuls. @gloxinea for tagging me in on a blog. @pinkyrose for being inspiring.
There are so many members of the community that I genuinely have connected and appreciate. Thanks for your ongoing support, interactions on my live feeds, and love on my 11 hopeful sets, more to come. Special thanks to @25901jfm who has been amazing throughout my journey!!! I am beyond grateful. I was honored when he did a write up on my behalf. @jj82 has always had my back and interacted positively with me. I wish him the best. @jtelson always shows his appreciation for my efforts. It means more than you know. @intents20001 has been awesome. Even writing and singing songs about me. @reddhedd thanks for interacting with me on my live feeds in a positive way. @bigbillm75 for his support over the years. @billpowerssr for the support. @jsaminn1 for always following me. @freakme I appreciate you very much. Thanks to the following for interacting with me on my live feeds @specks6173 @littlejohn22 @jimdoxsee42 My appreciation to @twistednightmare3 .
There are so many more that I could list... I can't remember everyone's handles. To all whom have showed me love, or positively interacted with me, I'm grateful. I really appreciate it, more than you know. Thanks for keeping this last year lit for me!!!!
Let's look forward to a healthy, happy, and positively lit 🔥 2021 for all...or hope for it. I remain hopeful. Best wishes one and all. I hope you enjoyed your holidays, and are ready for the year ahead. Remember that there's alway something to be grateful for.