I think it's especially important, this year to focus on the things, there are to be thankful for!! I'd like to start by acknowledging, how grateful I am, to be a part of this wonderful community! I feel blessed that @rambo , recruited me to join this diverse group.
I have a background in education and psychology. My health had other plans. I was truly honored, to be asked to model my painted canvas, aka my tattooed skin. It was wonderful to find a forum that accepts and appreciates, the custom tattoo work that adorns my body.
Especially following a stroke. I'm very tenacious. I had to learn to talk, use my right arm, and walk again. Thankful for the progress made, and those who have aided me along the way. I continue to strive for additional improvement every single day. Sometimes it's not what we're facing, but how we choose to deal with it that matters. I try to focus on what I can do, and learning new things along my journey.
Photography is also an area of interest for me, I'm grateful to have cameras to learn on. Hopefully someday I'll be able to self shoot sets. I plan to offer safe environments, to individuals in my conservative area, when I do establish that ability.
Unfortunately, my health does limit my abilities. Despite my tenacity. Considering that I have a background in child development, relearning fine and gross motor skills, has been both fascinating and very challenging. I'm thankful for my devoted physical therapist, who has gone above and beyond, to assist me in my recovery. I'm thankful, that I live in a state, that allows me to have my medicinal license. So that I can manage my multitude of symptoms, on a daily basis. I also am a pain warrior, due to a rare migraine condition, and nerve damage pain.
It means so much to me, whenever I receive support from this amazing community, of tattooed beauties, photographers, and the spectacular people who support me and so many others! It also allows us to connect with so many people on an international level! I greatly value the connections, and interactions. There're so many individuals on here that inspire and motivate me.
It has also been nice to connect with other handicapable models. Also to hear that I positively influenced, their decision to admit their own situations to others. It means so much to me, whenever I hear that I've connected with, and can help others. I'm grateful to be accepted as I am, by this wonderful community!
I've been fortunate to meet, collaborate, and connect with so many of the wonderful people on this incredible site. Special thanks to @sunshine ; for including me in events, collaborating with me on 2 sets, introducing me to many boss babes, and so much more.
I just shot with @chadnovak , on what would have been the 1yr anniversary, of our collaborations. I was extremely grateful to meet @chadnovak and his wife. I met them at a @blackheartburlesque show. Thus far we have 5 hopeful sets on the site for you to enjoy. Very thankful for everyone who has helped me on my handicapable journey. We just shot 3 more sets, so there Hopefully will be more @reggielove to come!! Unfortunately, I didn't shoot a lot this year due to the pandemic. Although I've done 5 new hopeful sets recently, from 3 different photographers, that you'll hopefully approve of. It will be fun to have such diversity in my sets. One of the hopeful sets that I collaborated on, was shot by a director of an indie feature film, that will come out in 2021. It meant a lot to have him travel to me to do a fun cosplay set. He just asked to come shoot me again. Hopefully it works out.
It's so fun to have the opportunity, to go live on the site now. Allowing us to connect, even more. I appreciate everyone who has ever watched my live feeds; reads my blogs, watches my videos, comments on my 11 hopeful sets, and of course adding your love to them. Hopefully assisting me in my goal of turning pink in 2021.
I'm thankful for the reciprocal, unconditional love 💘, shared between my three fur babies. All bugs, aka pugs, and boston terrier mixes. I don't have children, so they are definitely treated like the treasured fur babies, they are. My senior dog Sampson, now 13years old, started having seizure. I'm thankful that I've been able to manage them for the most part with both a vet med. and hemp tinctures meant for dogs. Truly grateful for all the time I have with Sampson. I got him at 6weeks of age. He has been a constant source of joy throughout my life. My three fur babies keep me busy, with loving devotion. I am so grateful to have them in my life.
I was very blessed this year to get a new to me SUV. It had been close to a year since I had a vehicle. So the freedom and independence that it offers me is so crucial. Considering I live alone with my 3 fur babies. This vehicle also gives me the potential and ability to travel. Allowing me to hopefully go to more photo shoots and acting gigs. There're so many more concepts I can't wait to make come to life. Including photographers that I look forward to shooting with someday.. Allowing me to be traveling model. I was also excited this year that I found magnetic false eye lashes, that I can do on my own. I typically don't wear makeup, and save my magnetic eyelashes for photo shoots, and some live feeds. I know that sounds silly, but it definitely makes a difference during a photo shoot. Allowing me to take my sultry eye game up a notch...if that's possible 😉.
My Nonnie's health was failing this year at the age of 94years old. I am truly thankful for any time she spends comfortable and happy in my Aunt's home. Thankfully there's family to continue to care for her. Keeping her comfortable at home is such a relief, especially during these uncertain times.
This year I was thankful that my Uncle came to visit me for two weeks. He's very chill, and is like a father figure to me. As always thankful for the health and well-being of loved ones. Especially right now. I'm thankful that we will hopefully experience progress, and positive change in the country I live in.
I'm grateful to own a modest home. I have a roof over my head, food in my refrigerator, and a safe environment. Which are definitely things to be very thankful for. I may enjoy retail therapy. As a result I have a large wardrobe, and lingerie collection.
I would like to start doing more blog posts. Constantly fighting migraines and vertigo. Running a bad ocular migraine just to type this. Of course, I don't need to make the posting so long. Note to self. 😘
Special thanks to all of you who have supported me thus far!!! Please keep the love coming, on my quest to turn pink. Best wishes for health and happiness. Thanks for taking the time to read this. What are you thankful for? There's literally always something to be thankful for!! Sometimes you just have to look to find it! Best wishes and many thanks. 💖💋🦋
@rambo @missy @penny