1. I have degrees in early childhood development, elementary education, and psychology.
2. I survived a stroke 6 years ago. It took out my right side. Including permanent nerve damage pain. I learned to talk, use my right arm, and I'm learning to walk fully with a cane, and hopefully without it..someday soon. So I am a handicapable woman and model. In addition to debilitating migraines and super fun vertigo.🤯 I'm extremely tenacious and the live feeds are great physical therapy for me. It allows me to have a creative and empowering outlet. (I actually have daith piercings on both sides on migraine pressure points....little known fact. I have piercing inside my earlobe that aren't easy to see in pics.)
3. This year my birthday is on Labor day...of course that happens every 7 years. It's also a milestone birthday, and the perfect timing, for my next tattoo. Which I have planned for the end of September. Safety is always a top priority for myself, and tattoo artists so I feel confident getting it done in my state, currently. If things change, then of course safety first. I definitely have the tattoo itch...
4. Half of my family lives in Italy and half of my family lives in America. I was fortunate to visit Italy with my Nonnie, in 2000. It was the most beautiful place I have ever been. The most delicious food. Along with a completely different way of life, from walking more than driving. To having a slower paced lifestyle, and really seeming to savor each day.
5. I have 3 pug mix dogs aka fur babies. They are pug/boston terrier mixes, known as buggs. They are my world and I am grateful for the reciprocal unconditional love.
6. I have done some acting as well as modeling. I hope to do more following the pandemic. I was in a commercial for a college, that I actually graduated from. I was in Succession on Showtime. Season 2, episode 9. I'm a protester. I was fortunate to be chosen for the role of Jynx, a sci-fi indie feature film, that's in editing, and will release in 2021. Giving a credit on imdb. I'm informed by Mad Angel Films, that there is another film script with a role in it for me. Which is both flattering and exciting. I like to learn something new and be a part of the productions success. The director and owner is supposed to come shoot me at some point. So hopefully, there will be a set from us, some day soon.
7. I currently reside in upstate New York, which is where I grew up. I own a modest home. Which I feel blessed to have. Especially with the fur babies, and a fenced in back yard. Definatly a bonus! Although I hope to travel and even be a traveling model someday.
8. I have been know to fall asleep during tattoo appointments and work. I put music on and just zone out. I have an extremely high pain tolerance. I may fall asleep better getting tattooed, than I do at home. 😉 I really looking forward to the next time I get inked. Right now scheduled for the end of September. I also get an endorphin release, so afterwards it assists with my pain, for a little while. I currently have over 40hrs of tattoo work. That began when I turned 18yrs old.
9. I'm bisexual, although I have only been in long term relationships with men. At this point in my life, I am open to the possibilities. Although, I am far from a party animal. I enjoy safe, fun!
10. I don't wear bras or panties while I lounge or sleep at home. Although, I do wear panties when I go out. I try to avoid a bra. Yet have a lingerie addiction. It's a good problem to have, especially when I like to keep my live feeds and sets unique. I definitely continue to plan and have many sets planned out in my head for once the pandemic is hopefully no longer an issue. I was actually told by my dr that, it's healthier for our flowers to breath, shall we say.
11. I spearheaded and hosted charitable events for AFSP (American's For Suicide Prevention), following the loss of a friend. For whom, we did also did a butterfly release. I also had a tree, bench, and memorial plaque erected for her. As well as the other people who graduated with me from high school, who had passed too soon. Making sure to include as many families as possible. My friend's mother had a monarch butterfly, land on her memorial bracelet, as she wore it on a nature hike. Her husband, now an avid nature photographer, captured many photos. The monarch on my back, is a reminder of the connection, we all have to nature. It's tribute piece to those lost from my high school graduating class. Of course I love winged things....but I'm afraid of heights. Ironic for someone with a full set of wings on my back. Yes, I know. 🦋🌈
If you ever have any questions, or would like to reach out, please feel free to do so, under @reggielove
Special thanks to @Rambo for recruiting me to join this wonderfully community. 8 sets later, and the 9th on it's way this week. I always remain hopeful to turn Pink!
@rambo @missy