So a bunch of nerds are letting their racism and ignorance show pretty badly over the trailer for #StarWarsTheForceAwakens. A bunch of trolls made racist comments about the actor John Boyega being dressed as a storm trooper. They're argument is that storm troopers are clones of Jango Fett, who is a white guy. Yo trolls!!! Watch Star Wars A New Hope and tell me you weren't shocked that both Luke and Han were originally storm troopers. It's called a "disguise" and something I know a lot of you don't understand, "Out of Context" scenes are used to tease movies in trailer so that it leaves you wanting more and maybe gets you out to the theaters to find out why and how in a galaxy far far away there could possibly be a "Black Storm Trooper"! Just another reason the internet is the 2nd worst invention in mankind's history.Fucking Nerds!
And then this super awesome poster!
That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it!