Hello friends!
I'm just jumping on here to post the newest episode of my Podcast.
Come join us for another amazing trip to Torture Theater! This time around we "enjoyed" the 1989 cult classic "Robot Jox". Come relive what has to be everyone's favorite robot combat movie. And joining us yet again is Eric "Spit-Take" Munger.
Direct Downloads: http://comesnaturally.libsyn.com/
iTunes: http://tinyurl.com/kqkgack
Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/myovgm8
Tumblr: http://tinyurl.com/m7a6mg9
Twitter: @ComesNaturalPod
YouTube: http://tinyurl.com/n7c4l6p
If you like what you hear let me know! I'm always open for comments.
I'm going to post another blog with a real update later.
But until then Enjoy!!!